Turin the Mad |

Turin the Mad wrote:Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I like him. He's so far shown he's got what it takes to survive without extreme luck, unlike every other character on the show. Except maybe Daniel.Aberzombie wrote:When I first saw the dude playing Strand, I almost thought he might be Idris Elba's brother, or something. I gotta admit, however, although it looks like Strand is complete douche, I'm looking forward seeing him take out a few Walkers. I'm betting he'd be pretty good at it.At this moment, Strand is my favorite character.
Daniel's only going to survive by Strand's good graces, methinks. Erm, if Daniel = druggy-boy.
"I didn't save you, I obligated you to me. An important difference." (probably paraphrased)

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Aberzombie wrote:Turin the Mad wrote:Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I like him. He's so far shown he's got what it takes to survive without extreme luck, unlike every other character on the show. Except maybe Daniel.Aberzombie wrote:When I first saw the dude playing Strand, I almost thought he might be Idris Elba's brother, or something. I gotta admit, however, although it looks like Strand is complete douche, I'm looking forward seeing him take out a few Walkers. I'm betting he'd be pretty good at it.At this moment, Strand is my favorite character.Daniel's only going to survive by Strand's good graces, methinks. Erm, if Daniel = druggy-boy.
"I didn't save you, I obligated you to me. An important difference." (probably paraphrased)
Naah, Daniel is Ruben Blades character - the one who tortured the soldier. Druggie-loser is Nick.

Christopher Dudley RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |

Ah, right, right. Yep, Daniel and Strand seem like they'll be the ones that keep the rest of the meatbags alive. Well, some of them.
This is total speculation, but I kind of get the feeling
Not that that ever made much difference in TWD universe, but that's just my thought on it. I'd hate to see him go. I think he's the most compelling and dramatic character on the show.
The thing I find annoying is the almost-certainly-deliberate parallel with Nazi occupation in Europe. The town representative being a collaborator with the occupying force, the sympathetic locals confined in a controlled zone, the evil occupiers pulling people out seemingly at random for capricious subjection to cruel incarceration before being singled out for mysterious disappearance.
Which reminds me...
Has no one else noticed this narrative is almost beat-for-beat the 1983 TV miniseries V?

Turin the Mad |

Turin the Mad wrote:Ah, right, right. Yep, Daniel and Strand seem like they'll be the ones that keep the rest of the meatbags alive. Well, some of them.This is total speculation, but I kind of get the feeling ** spoiler omitted **
The thing I find annoying is the almost-certainly-deliberate parallel with Nazi occupation in Europe. The town representative being a collaborator with the occupying force, the sympathetic locals confined in a controlled zone, the evil occupiers pulling people out seemingly at random for capricious subjection to cruel incarceration before being singled out for mysterious disappearance.
Which reminds me...
Has no one else noticed this narrative is almost beat-for-beat the 1983 TV miniseries V?
Given how much I adored V, this is entirely too short and not as well told.

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Well, that was marginally satisfying.....
Strand, I was less impressed with. He's really just a hustler. Smart, clearly wealthy, but when the chips were down, he nearly got himself and his new little b*~!+ chomped. All because he closed that door behind him. But he takes care of his obligations as well, it seems. The others got him out of that jam, saved his life, so he invites them along on his yacht. And that should be very interesting....
Travis (hey look, I finally remembered his name) - finally got to see him man-up and get a little violent. Good for him. And I'm glad Ophelia lived.
Speaking of that soldier - he was still alive when they left, as was the doctor. Maybe we'll see both of them again. I could totally see her deciding to follow them, only to come across soldier boy and fix him up.
I was sorry to see Travis' son not get eaten. And surprised to see the girl survive their run-in with those soldiers relatively intact.
That final scene on the beach/rocks was pretty good.
All in all, I look forward to the second season.

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Also, watching Talking Dead afterwards, they had an interview with the guy who played the "I know what's really going on" highschool dork from the first few episodes. Apparently, he's a fan favorite?!? Weird.
Hopefully, though, they will bring him back long enough for him to get devoured by a small herd.

GM Niles |

Also, they dropped a few hints about why/how it all fell apart. Basically, human nature kicked in and everyone started looking after only themselves so things got way out of hand. "There's no superiors" the Chopper leaving, the Soldiers abandoning ship.
I'm excited about Pirate Walking Dead next season...

Christopher Dudley RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |

DVR'ed and watched a day late. Decent finale. I appreciate that shows that take a risk paid for by the parent franchise money, rather than having to establish themselves.
I thought the finale could have been deathier. And the family featured on the show is at least indirectly responsible for the inevitable destruction of their whole neighborhood, since they just abandoned them without letting the rest of the town know that the soldiers were gone. What would have been wrong with just telling people to take to the walls and defend their already-secured neighborhood?

Turin the Mad |

They left the gates open on-screen, but generally most of those kinds of gates are not motion sensor-attached, so they can be triggered to close, then gotten through before closing. Hopefully they didn't just leave their own neighborhood wide open to becoming hor devours a la carte.
What I'm not grokking is what is 'Flight 462'?

Terquem |
I read a collection, a great big book my son gave me for a father's day gift many years ago, detailing the beginning of the story up to the Prison and the confrontation with the governor.
I didn't like it all that much. I mean I liked it, but I did not become a huge fan. I though the comics were smart, and full of interesting characters, but sometimes it just seemed odd to me that the people survived, and yet weren't really all that smart about the things that they did that helped them survive and the things that didn't. I mean, the first thing I think those kinds of people would do would be find a rail road yard (there are plenty in Georgia) and set a few RVs down on top of some shipping containers, then surround the compound with more shipping containers, and then use ladders to get up and down, and that would pretty much be all they'd have to do to survive, but instead they just keep moving from one badly designed place to another.

Shadowborn |
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** spoiler omitted **
Flight 462 in all its infuriating, short attention span theater glory of 90 second episodes. Part 1.

Turin the Mad |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Turin the Mad wrote:** spoiler omitted **Flight 462 in all its infuriating, short attention span theater glory of 90 second episodes. Part 1.

Turin the Mad |

The last episode is still on-demand for another couple of days. What re-watching it today prompted:
Why was Strand prepared to live for an extended period on Abigail?
Was he getting ready to split the States after realizing the Fibbies are about to bash down his door with a fistful of warrants for a Ponzi scheme?
Regarding badly designed compounds, most of the places available that are defensible have probably been compromised from within. The few that aren't are probably occupied with Uncle Sam's finest. Or nowhere close to where the shows' action is occurring.
That leaves the less-than-ideal places we're seeing. Plopping RVs atop shipping containers requires a crane and that the shipping containers can actually hold that kind of weight on their roofs (most can't IIRC) without being reinforced to do so. This requires at the least a competent welder, not exactly a prolific skill set amongst 21st century 'murica. Most of what was there are railcars, far easier to maneuver until they run out of diesel, which probably happened PDQ.
Flight 462 is kinda annoying, just long enough to catch your attention and make one irritated that the fit hasn't hit the shan yet. Air Patient Zero's in the can after episode 4, and the passenger in front of the teen seems to have a lot more of a clue than she's letting on.
If the plane scene in the previous episodes is the same flight, it'll mean that they diverted from Phoenix. Guessing AZ was one of the five states affected early on...