Promo Adventure Deck Number

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Hello Fellow Adventurers,

I have a question that I cannot seem to find an answer to and was hoping for some input from the community.

What is the adventure deck number for a promo card? Obviously they are marked as P, but would this be the same as the B and C cards or do promos have special rules where their adventure deck number equals the current adventure deck number?

Specifically this question arose while a player was playing Ekkie, and had the ability checked where she can add a dice to checks for or against cards that have a lower adventure deck number than the current adventure deck number. There was a second instance that raised a similar question but I cannot recall the specific cards at this time, but it had to do with discarding a card for a bonus based on its adventure deck number and the card to be discarded was a promo.

I look forward to every ones responses. Thanks.

All letters are 0. (WotR Rulebook page 2.)

The official word:

WotR Rule Book Page 2 wrote:
If a card has a letter for the set indicator, treat its adventure deck number as 0.

Thanks Parody and nondeskript,

I had scoured the rule book and kept over looking this. Thanks for pointing it out to me.

If you download the rulebook, you can search it :)

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