Bugbear Cultist

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Thanks Parody and nondeskript,

I had scoured the rule book and kept over looking this. Thanks for pointing it out to me.

Hello Fellow Adventurers,

I have a question that I cannot seem to find an answer to and was hoping for some input from the community.

What is the adventure deck number for a promo card? Obviously they are marked as P, but would this be the same as the B and C cards or do promos have special rules where their adventure deck number equals the current adventure deck number?

Specifically this question arose while a player was playing Ekkie, and had the ability checked where she can add a dice to checks for or against cards that have a lower adventure deck number than the current adventure deck number. There was a second instance that raised a similar question but I cannot recall the specific cards at this time, but it had to do with discarding a card for a bonus based on its adventure deck number and the card to be discarded was a promo.

I look forward to every ones responses. Thanks.

Hello Hawkmoon,

Thanks for the quick response, here is some follow up information.

1. Yeah, it was actually during the last scenario and we had had some really bad luck up until then having done Elven Entanglement about 4 times before we finally finished it, all the non-basic weapons were either in location decks or in players decks/hands/discard piles. Every weapon card in the box had the basic trait (they were all B or C but still every one of them was basic as well). Also that was Kyra's only play as the Monster was not undead or a demon, and she had no other cards in hand.

2. I can see that being the case, though you have to admit the wording does make it sound like it could be used anytime and you have to move at the end of your turn (the text in the original post was exactly from the card).

3. Lol yeah we really wanted this to be the case, we did not play it this way at the time because having Abyssal Rift "permanently" closed feels a little cheaty.

4. That definitely clears up that issue, and does help put question 3 in perspective.

Hello everyone,

Today our small group was finishing up the Base Adventure, and came across a few questions I am having difficulty finding answers too.

First off, during one of our checks, Kyra flipped a monster and cast the spell Sacred Weapon, it reads summon a non-basic weapon from the box. However when we went to pull a non-basic it turns out every single weapon in the box was basic. At the time we ruled that Kyra could pick any of the basic weapons, but is there any errata or rulings for how to handle this situation? Should the spell have fizzled since there were no legal cards to use?

Our second question came about when another player read the text on Alain's Cohort Donahan. He reads "Reveal this card to move at the end of your turn;". The Alain player said that means they could only reveal at the end of their turn, however the non-Alain player suggested that during any phase Alain could reveal Donahan to move at the end of the turn, specifically suggesting to do so during movement phase so that Donahan's second ability could be used to add 1d8 to a combat check that has the melee trait. Is there any errata or rulings on when Donahan can be revealed and if he can be revealed during an earlier phase than end of turn can he also be used on a combat check later in that turn?

And again another question envolving Alain and Donahan, one of the scenarios contains the location Abyssal Rift, and we were wondering about the interaction between Alain with Donahan's ability to move at end of turn and the Abyssal Rift's on closing power of "At the end of your turn, flip this card." Specifically with Alain and Donahan at the Abyssal Rift location, could he, if he is the only character at the location, and during his turn move to another location (ensuring that Abyssal Rift is on its always open side), then do his encounters, reveal Donahan to move at the end of his turn and go back to Abyssal Rift, causing it to flip to is temporarily closed side?

Lastly and this is closely related to the last question, what exactly is the timing of at the end of turn powers. For example if you have multiple things triggering at end of turn are they supposed to happen all at once, can you do them one at a time (like above trigger Alain moving, then trigger the flip of Abyssal Rift)?

I look forward to any input anyone might have about the above questions. Thanks.