DungeonmasterCal |
8 people marked this as a favorite. |

Since you can't tag someone here like you can on Facebook, I'm going to post this in two threads so that people from both companies will be sure to see it.
In 1991 I began to create my homebrew campaign world. In its historical backstory, the realm was once conquered and held in tyranny by a race of people called the Ransoori, who were psionic and as well as magic users who were great and powerful necromancers. The primary continent in the setting was under their rule for nearly a thousand years. They were largely just part of the background, though occasionally someone would want to play psionics (these were the 2e days) and the "official" ruling was they had Ransoori blood in their heritage.
3e came along with new psionic rules that I liked much better, and soon incorporated them into the game when we made the switch to that edition. We kept them when things went to 3.5 and continued using them when Dreamscarred Press refined the rules. Finally, the Ransoori in the history of my world were figuratively coming to life with the occasional psionic item found in treasure hoards and and the occasional player who was interested in psionics.
In my setting, the Ransoori were overthrown some 800 years before the game's current timeline by a slave revolt that grew into a full scale revolution. One of the ideas I had was that new magic was created to combat the psionic overlords and their mental powers. This is where Paizo comes in. With Occult Adventures, I can actually have this magic at my hand now. The psychic magic dovetails perfectly into the history of my realm as the arcane means which helped bring the Ransoori down. Everything fits into my setting's history now, with new magic and great psionic rules. AND with the recent release of Dreamscarred Press' "The Seventh Path" introducing a necromantic psionic path into the mix, it cements the "psionic necromancers" concept of the past perfectly into my world's setting. My game is taking a direction I've wanted it to go for a long time now and I couldn't be more excited. And I'm finally getting a chance to use the "Mindshadows" book by Green Ronin.
Now, after all this text I just wanted to say thank you to the designers, dreamers, and playtesters who put Ultimate Psionics and Occult Adventures together. After 24 years of playing in my homebrew world, these products have brought everything together in a way that I was never able to do before, but had always envisioned. My games will only get better with these products.
Thanks again!

ErrantX |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well I can speak for Dreamscarred Press in this situation and issue a hearty thank you for the kind words and your use of our psionics system. I can say as a designer seeing responses like this pretty much make it all worthwhile. I'll make sure that Andreas and Jeremy see this because this will make their day!
24 years!! OMG that's incredible! Your campaign setting sounds really involved, in-depth and very rich with the history and great memories - the very best kind of campaign setting. It's really neat to see how DSP's psionics and Paizo's new Occult Adventures rules fell together for you to reinforce your campaign setting's themes - what a crazy random happenstance! Love it when that sort of thing happens. Very cool!
-Chris Bennett
Dreamscarred Press Staff

DHAnubis |
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Im gonna hijack this just slightly to also thank Dreamscarred Press. I havent been playing nearly as long as DMCal, and I hardly played DnD 3.5. However, I do remember one of the first classes I ever played was a Psion shaper. And man, was it a ton of fun. Fast forward a bit to getting into Pathfinder, and I was really excited to see that Psionics had been brought over and updated. I really love the system, and when I have friends getting into Pathfinder and they want something interesting to play, one of my first suggestions is always a Psionic class. You guys have done great work, and I'm always excited to see new stuff for the Psionic system. So thank you, for being active here on the forums and for making such lovely products.

ErrantX |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sounds like a magnum opus when you finally get around to doing it! Quite the endeavor but dang, your world sounds like it must be a very rich place to adventure in with that many years of perfecting it from the ground up. I applaud you and your players for building such a rich world together and I also hope you get to play in it for many years to come!

The Ragi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

DSP broke me into third-party publishers. I came back to RPGs after finding Pathfinder via a novel (Tim Pratt has some fun ones), bought the CRB, played a bit, rolled some characters, and them got stuck in one particular point: Where's the psionicist?
Back in the good ol' days I just loved my Complete Psionics Handbook and the Dark Sun setting built around it (it's on a shelf right behind me, with all the AD&D craziness). Even though the rules were so weird and nobody ever, ever agreed to play a full psionic character when I DM'd. But I still bought whatever I could, created some NPCs and villains in that system and had a (mind)blast.
But there were no friggin' psionics in Pathfinder! The heck! I eventually found the forums, the years old rumors about Paizo getting around to psionics in the future, others saying it didn't like the power point system (the nerve!)... and then someone mentioned Dreamscarred Press at some topic on the Advice subforum. I bought Psionics Unleashed on a sale, got scared away by the art, but read the reviews, powered through, and just loved the new version of the system. Eventually I got Ultimate Psionics, my favorite RPG book ever, started purchasing and using material also from other companies and lurking around this subforum.
Thanks, DSP!
After 24 years of playing in my homebrew world, these products have brought everything together in a way that I was never able to do before, but had always envisioned. My games will only get better with these products.
You should put this stuff in a wiki or something. Sounds great.

DungeonmasterCal |

DungeonmasterCal wrote:After 24 years of playing in my homebrew world, these products have brought everything together in a way that I was never able to do before, but had always envisioned. My games will only get better with these products.You should put this stuff in a wiki or something. Sounds great.
Thanks! I've considered it, and might do it at some point.