What is the point in Balazar's Powers? (Before the upgrade)

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

I'm a little confused about Balazars powers...
There are two situations where you may acquire a monster into your hand....
1). 'You may discard a spell to draw a random monster from the box'
2). 'When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may add it to your hand instead'

It then reads

'You may banish a monster from your hand to draw a card'

So why would you acquire a monster to your hand to just then banish it to draw another card? Because at the end of your turn you draw the card anyway?? I just don't understand why you'd take this un-necessary step to draw a card and call it a power??

(I do understand that it makes sense when you upgrade the power to instead of drawing a card, banish the monster to 'add 1d4 to a barrier/check for a weapon, armor, item or move after an encounter or re-roll, but to just draw a card you are going to draw anyway....??)

Please help :-)
Ben & Natasha

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Drawing a card during your turn is far different than drawing as your turn ends, during your turn you can possibly used the drawn card to explore some more or draw other card you needed to play or have in order to safely explore more or whatnot. In all, it's a timesaver, which is especially important in games with lots of players where everyone needs to make their turn count -- going through 80 cards in 30 turns doesn't give you much time to waste :)

Don't forget that Padraig (Balazar's Eidolon) can also interact with monsters in Balazars hand to add to combat checks. You may wish to discard a spell or two to pick up a monster or two to have them ready in case you have to fight something, but then want to try to do something else once the danger has passed.

I've found that I get the most use out of this power with arcane spells with the attack trait that I've managed to pick up (or even divine spells), since Balazar would banish them anyway upon use - particularly if I want to keep them around for another character. Crowe loves new arcane attack spells, but Balazar is a bit better at acquiring them.

Anyway, the power is situational, but sometimes useful.

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