Dusklight Vehicle

Iron Gods

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to bring about the escape pod vehicle located in the Dusklight side mission in the Choking Tower?

I like the idea of it starting out pretty basic, likely not much better then a carriage but allowing for improvements from the War Priest of Brigh during downtime.

My biggest struggle at the moment is figuring out a suitable power source that makes sense. Throwing a generator that's basically portable seems a little to potent at this stage in the AP.

I ended up giving them this APC. They have had lots of fun with it including a running battle with a TRex and a tank battle vs the damaged anihilitor.

Google Doc

Dusklight as a space vessel, with limited power and depleted fuel, that functions as a hovercraft. No criticism needed.

I like both ideas. :) Very detailed on the space vessel and it gave me the idea of making the power source "depleted" or hindered in some fashion, something the Warpriest could tinker with during downtime maybe.

It would work to prevent them from being able to draw power off of it for other uses or if they do, it would put the vehicle and themselves at risk.

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