Fantastic 4


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here she is but she's wearing a mask

man, looking at that pic...Drax, Groot, Thing and Venom....that team has a whole lot of Bricks.

Greylurker wrote:

here she is but she's wearing a mask

man, looking at that pic...Drax, Groot, Thing and Venom....that team has a whole lot of Bricks.

Yeah, looks like it. Not real thrilled by it.

Liberty's Edge

* Facepalm

Liberty's Edge

thejeff wrote:
Krensky wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Krensky wrote:
Which just means they'll ignore the Ultimate Kitty for years on end.
Cynical: No one's really known what to do with Kitty since she got replaced as the insert for their teen readers to crush on.
Extra-Cynical: Not like it matters anyway, the X-Men won't survive the reboot anyway while Fox holds the license.

Doing a little research, since I'm waiting for something to compile:

Among the post Secret Wars titles:
Amazing Spider-Man (Peter Parker 616 I assume)
Spider-Gwen (Whatever.)
Spider-Man (Miles)
Spider-Man 2099
Web Warriors (No clue, but lots of Spider-stuff)

Yeah but the Spiderman movie license is held by Sony, who:

A. Has licensed it back to Disney.
B. Does not have a poisonous relationship with Disney.

Also, SHEESH... I thought Batman, Inc showed us and the X-Glut of the nineties showed us what a bad idea that was.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Krensky wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Krensky wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Krensky wrote:
Which just means they'll ignore the Ultimate Kitty for years on end.
Cynical: No one's really known what to do with Kitty since she got replaced as the insert for their teen readers to crush on.
Extra-Cynical: Not like it matters anyway, the X-Men won't survive the reboot anyway while Fox holds the license.

Doing a little research, since I'm waiting for something to compile:

Among the post Secret Wars titles:
Amazing Spider-Man (Peter Parker 616 I assume)
Spider-Gwen (Whatever.)
Spider-Man (Miles)
Spider-Man 2099
Web Warriors (No clue, but lots of Spider-stuff)

Yeah but the Spiderman movie license is held by Sony, who:

A. Has licensed it back to Disney.
B. Does not have a poisonous relationship with Disney.

Also, SHEESH... I thought Batman, Inc showed us and the X-Glut of the nineties showed us what a bad idea that was.

But there are 3 X titles as well, along with a couple Wolverines and various other X-Men scattered around. Any bad blood over the X-movies doesn't seem to be interfering with the comics.

There's been a glut of X-Titles since the nineties. I don't think it's interfered with their sales or popularity. Same with Spiderman.

And I liked Batman, Inc.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, with Spiderman, I would hope they keep the Peter Parker that's actually married to Mary Jane (which should have never been done away with)...and then, put him out to pasture if they want someone younger and youthful to be Spidy. Have him retire and let Miles take up the reins permanently.

PP can do an occasional cameo, but let him basically remain in retirement and let Miles become the new status quo spiderman.

Did they bring Wolverine back from the dead again ALREADY?

GreyWolfLord wrote:

Well, with Spiderman, I would hope they keep the Peter Parker that's actually married to Mary Jane (which should have never been done away with)...and then, put him out to pasture if they want someone younger and youthful to be Spidy. Have him retire and let Miles take up the reins permanently.

PP can do an occasional cameo, but let him basically remain in retirement and let Miles become the new status quo spiderman.

They're using both. Peter's apparently running a company with Spiderman as his bodyguard in Amazing. (Who does he think he is? Tony Stark?)

Miles is doing his thing in Spider-Man.

It might not be 616 Peter, but one of the various alternate Peters, for all I know.

Dark Archive

Rynjin wrote:
Did they bring Wolverine back from the dead again ALREADY?

Not exactlly from what I can tell the new wolverine will be x-23 and the logan will be the one from the old man logan universe.

Kevin Mack wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
Did they bring Wolverine back from the dead again ALREADY?
Not exactlly from what I can tell the new wolverine will be x-23 and the logan will be the one from the old man logan universe.

Why do I have the feeling the entire next 5 years or so is going to be various characters meeting each other and going "Do I know you?" "No, you probably met my alternate universe self."

Liberty's Edge

thejeff wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
Did they bring Wolverine back from the dead again ALREADY?
Not exactlly from what I can tell the new wolverine will be x-23 and the logan will be the one from the old man logan universe.
Why do I have the feeling the entire next 5 years or so is going to be various characters meeting each other and going "Do I know you?" "No, you probably met my alternate universe self."


There will also be punching involved.

thejeff wrote:
Krensky wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Krensky wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Krensky wrote:
Which just means they'll ignore the Ultimate Kitty for years on end.
Cynical: No one's really known what to do with Kitty since she got replaced as the insert for their teen readers to crush on.
Extra-Cynical: Not like it matters anyway, the X-Men won't survive the reboot anyway while Fox holds the license.

Doing a little research, since I'm waiting for something to compile:

Among the post Secret Wars titles:
Amazing Spider-Man (Peter Parker 616 I assume)
Spider-Gwen (Whatever.)
Spider-Man (Miles)
Spider-Man 2099
Web Warriors (No clue, but lots of Spider-stuff)

Yeah but the Spiderman movie license is held by Sony, who:

A. Has licensed it back to Disney.
B. Does not have a poisonous relationship with Disney.

Also, SHEESH... I thought Batman, Inc showed us and the X-Glut of the nineties showed us what a bad idea that was.

But there are 3 X titles as well, along with a couple Wolverines and various other X-Men scattered around. Any bad blood over the X-movies doesn't seem to be interfering with the comics.

There's been a glut of X-Titles since the nineties. I don't think it's interfered with their sales or popularity. Same with Spiderman.

And I liked Batman, Inc.

batman Inc was great until it got stupid.

The Xmen are too profitable to retire for Marvel comics; Fantastic Four on the other hand hasn't been that profitable lately, hence why Marvel didn't have too many issues cutting it.

The Xmen will still be around after the reboot, but I think you will seethem play less a role in the big comic events, so that Marvel can later adapt those without worrying about Fox movie rights.

I think there is a plan to build up the F4 a bit. They seem to be making certain they are all front and center in a lot of different books.
Thing in Guardians
Torch in Inhumans
Sue in Shield

Greylurker wrote:

I think there is a plan to build up the F4 a bit. They seem to be making certain they are all front and center in a lot of different books.

Thing in Guardians
Torch in Inhumans
Sue in Shield

Reed in Illuminatus. Or so I assume.

I do hope they bring out an FF book pretty soon. They are a mainstay of the Marvel Universe.

Hopefully not any of the Ultimate FF either.

Kthulhu wrote:
Their past histories will remain intact. If, for example, 616 Spider-Man ends up in the new universe, then his past history is the same as before (albeit, with the Brand New Day shenanigans being accounted for). If Ultimate Kitty Pryde survives into the new universe, her history in the Ultimate comics again remains intact. No character's past history is being overwritten. The characters aren't changing, but the multiverse around them is collapsing into a single unified universe.

But the characters (in each universe) have been constantly interacting. Part if Spiderman-616's past history may include Kitty Pryde-616, but it doesn't include Ultimate Kitty. In that scenario, if Ultimate Kitty becomes the "real" Kitty Pryde in the fallout universe, you have changed that element of Spiderman-616's past history.

Similarly, Ultimate Kitty's history in the Ultimate comics includes any number of people, things and events that will not exist in the fallout universe, so there's no way her entire backstory can survive intact.

The multiverse around them will almost certainly collapse into a huge clustersmurf of discrepancies and contradictions, as has been the case with all of DC's attempts to do this.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Easy: just check out of Marvel until they hit rock bottom and hire a new gang to undo all of this. The Watcher being shot in the head was somewhat of a red flag for me.

"It was all a bad dream Peter! Come back to bed tiger. You got 9th grade science to teach 8:45 tomorrow, remember?"

"Sure MJ, sure... it all felt... so real though..."


Damon Griffin wrote:

Similarly, Ultimate Kitty's history in the Ultimate comics includes any number of people, things and events that will not exist in the fallout universe, so there's no way her entire backstory can survive intact.

I was under the impression there were no time shenanigans involved, just a collapsing of universes.

Her entire backstory survives perfectly intact, it's just that some of the people she interacts/ed with may no longer be around.

Rynjin wrote:
Damon Griffin wrote:
Similarly, Ultimate Kitty's history in the Ultimate comics includes any number of people, things and events that will not exist in the fallout universe, so there's no way her entire backstory can survive intact.

I was under the impression there were no time shenanigans involved, just a collapsing of universes.

Her entire backstory survives perfectly intact, it's just that some of the people she interacts/ed with may no longer be around.

Not just "may no longer be around", but retroactively never were around. She dated Peter Parker, but Peter never dated her.

Interesting to wonder what the normal people of the new merged world think. Are the non heroes also a mix of different universes? Does the average Joe find his job doesn't exist and his wife is married to someone else and doesn't know him?

So wait, they're making pretend like the old universes never existed at all?

...Why. That makes things more needlessly complex.

I thought they had just slammed the two together and had some elements of either one just not make it to the new 3rd universe. If they ret-goned the old two universes out entirely, then that's just stupid.

Rynjin wrote:

So wait, they're making pretend like the old universes never existed at all?

...Why. That makes things more needlessly complex.

I thought they had just slammed the two together and had some elements of either one just not make it to the new 3rd universe. If they ret-goned the old two universes out entirely, then that's just stupid.

Especially when you realize that they will tell mores stories set in those old universes eventually. Even the fact that a universe no longer exists for legit in story reasons won't stop them from returning if they think there is money to be made (or even if a writer with pull just wants to use it).

Rynjin wrote:

So wait, they're making pretend like the old universes never existed at all?

...Why. That makes things more needlessly complex.

I thought they had just slammed the two together and had some elements of either one just not make it to the new 3rd universe. If they ret-goned the old two universes out entirely, then that's just stupid.

Not just two old universes, though I don't know how many. Old Man Logan, for example, isn't from either 616 or the Ultimates.

I don't know what they're going to do or how they're going to make the new universe work. None of the options are particularly good. Slamming them together with some elements not making it means everyone's history is still intact, but they stay tied to all of it. Years from now, they'll still have to be reminding new readers (and characters in universe) "No that wasn't her. This is the one from the other universe that no longer exists." Makes their new single universe even more complex than their previous multiverse. Harder for readers to pick up on or follow.

If they do try to merge them together, then no one, including readers and writers, knows what the new backstory actually is. No one knows what really happened or how characters tie together. But at least there is theoretically a consistent history and they don't have to keep bringing up previously existing universes.

As I said before: reboots suck. There are no good options.

Grey Lensman wrote:
Rynjin wrote:

So wait, they're making pretend like the old universes never existed at all?

...Why. That makes things more needlessly complex.

I thought they had just slammed the two together and had some elements of either one just not make it to the new 3rd universe. If they ret-goned the old two universes out entirely, then that's just stupid.

Especially when you realize that they will tell mores stories set in those old universes eventually. Even the fact that a universe no longer exists for legit in story reasons won't stop them from returning if they think there is money to be made (or even if a writer with pull just wants to use it).

Or making up new alternate universes to play with.

Shadow Lodge

thejeff wrote:
Not just "may no longer be around", but retroactively never were around.

That has not been my understanding of it.

thejeff wrote:
She dated Peter Parker, but Peter never dated her.

If Ultimate Peter Parker doesn't end up in the new universe, then yes, that's the case...616 Peter never dated her. But she also never dated 616 Peter.

Really, people have a past history with things that no longer exist all the time, even in the real world. Have you ever known someone who died?

Were we not supposed to talk about the Fantastic Four though?

Evil Finnish Chaos Beast wrote:
Were we not supposed to talk about the Fantastic Four though?

nobody wants to talk about that movie

Kthulhu wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Not just "may no longer be around", but retroactively never were around.
That has not been my understanding of it.
thejeff wrote:
She dated Peter Parker, but Peter never dated her.

If Ultimate Peter Parker doesn't end up in the new universe, then yes, that's the case...616 Peter never dated her. But she also never dated 616 Peter.

Really, people have a past history with things that no longer exist all the time, even in the real world. Have you ever known someone who died?

Yeah, but I've never then met the same person from a different universe now living in the same world as I do, who casually knew a different version of me. While half of the people around us remember the same version of him as I do and the other half don't know me, but know my alternate self. Except for the small percentage who knew some other weird alternate version.

Without time shenanigans, each person has a coherent past, but it doesn't match up with everyone else's.

*Sidenote: It's possible, even likely, that we won't be seeing actual 616 Spider-man, but a different version where the Brand New Day thing didn't happen. But maybe with Aunt May still alive anyway?

Evil Finnish Chaos Beast wrote:
Were we not supposed to talk about the Fantastic Four though?

Mea culpa. I brought up Battleworld. I even said "This probably isn't the thread for it..." but...yeah, it's on me.

Kthulhu wrote:
If Ultimate Peter Parker doesn't end up in the new universe, then yes, that's the case...616 Peter never dated her. But she also never dated 616 Peter.

That much is fine, but even so one of two things must be true:

(1) The multiple universes collapse into a single universe with a single retroactive continuity, where all survivors remember history the same way. This is what was supposed to happen following Crisis On Infinite Earths, with the exception of the 50 heroes who stood at the dawn of time. In this instance you have changed Ultimate Kitty's background: she no longer dated Ultimate Peter Parker because he never existed; his place in existence has been taken by Parker-616.


(2) The fallout universe is a somewhat streamlined continuation of Battleworld: there's only one universe now, but everyone remembers their personal histories from their original universe. Kitty never dated Peter-616 but remembers having dated Ultimate Peter. This means the residents of the fallout universe don't have a common backstory, which can only be wildly confusing both for the characters in-story and the readers.

Continuity-trashing reboots on this scale are doomed to fail because no matter what the writers and editors do to try to explain things to the readers, they will always handwave some elements, and in short order down the road there will always be stories that break the explanation that was given for the World Shattering Event and its consequences.

The WSE itself may be hugely entertaining and succeed on that level, but the writers and editors will have established rules for how it works, and those rules will end up with uncovered exceptions, possibly while the WSE is ongoing, but definitely within a year afterward. Count on it.

Dark Archive

Hey I remember Crisis of Infinite Earths and Secret Wars ...

After reading this thread though I realized my Comic book geek cred may be optimized but it is by no means Mythic.

Damon Griffin wrote:
Evil Finnish Chaos Beast wrote:
Were we not supposed to talk about the Fantastic Four though?
Mea culpa. I brought up Battleworld. I even said "This probably isn't the thread for it..." but...yeah, it's on me.

We could take all this over to the Comics section. I think there was a Secret Wars thread awhile back.

Damon Griffin wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
If Ultimate Peter Parker doesn't end up in the new universe, then yes, that's the case...616 Peter never dated her. But she also never dated 616 Peter.

That much is fine, but even so one of two things must be true:

(1) The multiple universes collapse into a single universe with a single retroactive continuity, where all survivors remember history the same way. This is what was supposed to happen following Crisis On Infinite Earths, with the exception of the 50 heroes who stood at the dawn of time. In this instance you have changed Ultimate Kitty's background: she no longer dated Ultimate Peter Parker because he never existed; his place in existence has been taken by Parker-616.

Just to nitpick here a little: In Crisis those 50 were originally supposed to remember, but that idea was dropped soon after the series ended. Editorial policy quickly changed to "Don't mention it again". For precisely the reasons we're talking about here. It's more confusing for readers to have some characters keep referring to past events that have no longer happened than to just have everyone remember the same history, even if it hasn't all been spelled out.

Damon Griffin wrote:


(2) The fallout universe is a somewhat streamlined continuation of Battleworld: there's only one universe now, but everyone remembers their personal histories from their original universe. Kitty never dated Peter-616 but remembers having dated Ultimate Peter. This means the residents of the fallout universe don't have a common backstory, which can only be wildly confusing both for the characters in-story and the readers.

Assuming they do take option 2 and stick with it, it would be interesting to see what the average guy on the street thinks about it all too. Do some New Yorkers remember Spider-man-616 and his exploits and others remember Ultimate Spiderman and then the switch to this new darker costumed Spiderman (Miles)? Will Miles be a new never before seen version to some, while others remember him taking over awhile back and are confused the guy in the original outfit seems to be back?

Multiplied by every other hero and team with differences.

Also, will they all remember the Battleworld stuff?

Liberty's Edge

So, who's starting the pool on the who will be punching the new Marvel universe?

Saw the movie Wednesday. I am one of those that is more of it being a blah movie over all. I didn't hate it, but I am not in love with it either. I will say this about it, it was definitely not a Green Lantern. It was much better than that, but of course that isn't shooting too high.

I actually enjoyed the first half to 2/3 of the movie. I felt it went down hill after ...

They did the whole one year later thing.

Thinking about it, I would have preferred something like ...

The movie is the same up until Reed escapes and Ben agrees to work with the government.

We then have scenes of Ben going into dangerous areas and basically killing terrorist and such, become more and more numb to the death he is spreading. Meanwhile Reed is trying to rebuild the teleporter and is keeping track of Ben's activities, become more and more upset at how his friend is being used. They convince Sue to use her skills to find Reed to help finish the new teleporter to go back. She requests music selection X (probably something classical, but not necessarily European), because it is similar to the pattern that Reed thinks. Johnny is being preped to be the new weapon, against his father's wishes.

They find Reed's hideout and capture his equipment, but not him. Seeing his plans bust, he decides to go help his friend Ben instead. Ben is being sent to take out a rebel group that is trying to overthrow the Latveria government, destabilizing the region. Just as Ben is about to crush a 15 year old rebel, Reed grabs his arm and stops him. Reed tells him, "This is not you. Let me help you." Ben says, "It is too late, I'm a monster now." And breaks down, all of the guilt of the pain and murder he has done in the last year or so coming to the surface. Reed says something like, "You are not a monster, you are my friend. I am sorry I left you, this is all my fault. Please help me fix it." They agree to go and break Johnny and Sue out of the military base. All of this is observed by a figure near by, in a suit with a green cloak.

Flashback, on the planet Doom pulls himself out of the ooze. His suit DOESN'T fuse to him though he is badly scarred. Instead he is gifted with the ability to blast powerful energy from his hands. He basically goes all Kahn and uses his superior intellect to build himself of a containment suit out of his environmental suit, thus controlling his energy blasts. One of the pods was left on the planet, along with some parts following the explosion. Doom uses these to construct a new pod and returns to Earth secretly. He decides he needs to take over world and starts an insurrection in Latveria, "Home is where the heart is." Since Reed stops Ben, Doom is able to take over Latveria and establishes himself as supreme ruler. Most of his abilities are due to his superior intellect and technology, but he is able to produce energy blast, that he uses his suit to focus and control.

Doom sends secret info to the government about how to finish the teleporter and they send some animals as a test run. These animals get gooed and come back and start mutating. Reed and Ben show up to free Johnny and Sue. In the chaos, Franklin is killed by creatures. Ben destroys the teleporter saying it is too dangerous despite it being possibly the only way for him to be cured. The team joins forces and stopped the monsters. The government decides to let the FF go as free agents and stops experimenting on teleporting to world Zero. There is some discussion how Ben thinks he is still a monster and Sue says something like he isn't, he just one of them family. And Johnny makes a crack (pun intended) about how monsters maybe can run around without clothes, but Ben is a person and people need to wear pants.

End credits. Post credits seen, Doom is seen on T.V. giving a speech to the U.N. as the new leader of Latveria. The FF (Ben now with a pair of Kevlar type shorts) look at each other with "Oh crap"/"What the frak" expressions.

Krensky wrote:
So, who's starting the pool on the who will be punching the new Marvel universe?

Well, HULK is strongest one there is...

thejeff wrote:

Just to nitpick here a little: In Crisis those 50 were originally supposed to remember, but that idea was dropped soon after the series ended. Editorial policy quickly changed to "Don't mention it again". For precisely the reasons we're talking about here. It's more confusing for readers to have some characters keep referring to past events that have no longer happened than to just have everyone remember the same history, even if it hasn't all been spelled out.

Yeah, I had meant to cite that as an example of something being established within the WSE as an after effect, then changing almost immediately.

I'm fine with moving this to the comics thread if there's more to be said. I think I'm about done given that I haven't read most of the [current] Secret Wars/Battleworld material anyway. Knowing little to nothing about the Ultimate universe I can't speculate on who might (or should) survive from there.

All I can really do is opine that multiuniversal shuffling never works out, cite multiple examples from DC as evidence, and express concern and dismay that Marvel seems determined to follow that same path. I've done that, and people will either have similar views or they won't. I'm not trying to convince anyone that I'm "right."

I don't know why editors think the public can't handle the idea of a multiverse, What If--?s/Elseworlds/imaginary stories, etc. I'm reading Star Trek/Green Lantern right now. It's a fun one-off story. It doesn't require the spawning of a whole new DC universe, leading to more clutter, leading to yet another muliverse collapsing.

Liberty's Edge

I think it's part ego on the part of the creative staff and part is trying to 'fix' the problem of immortal characters without actually getting rid of them.

The problem is that the people who harp on Steve Rogers having almost a century of backstory, but still want Steve Rogers around are insignificant compared to those who don't see the problem or, like most comic readers, are only there for a decade or so and never really notice.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I'm confused. Isn't Dr. Doom a witch king?

How did Sue get powers if she wasn't on planet Zero.

And is planet Zero really a planet in our universe (obviously not our solar system)? Or is it from a different universe or an alternate dimension?

So much didn't make sense to me, it seemed like they were fighting CGI itself.

I can't tell if I want to know what happened, or if I should just let it fade from my memory.

Also, why don't superheroes ever have any fun?

SmiloDan wrote:

I'm confused. Isn't Dr. Doom a witch king?

How did Sue get powers if she wasn't on planet Zero.

And is planet Zero really a planet in our universe (obviously not our solar system)? Or is it from a different universe or an alternate dimension?

So much didn't make sense to me, it seemed like they were fighting CGI itself.

I can't tell if I want to know what happened, or if I should just let it fade from my memory.

Also, why don't superheroes ever have any fun?

Let it fade.

It really only kinda sorta works out if you bring in a bunch of comic knowledge and spoilers in with you... which is a lousy way to make a movie.

Planet Zero is 'meant' to be the negative zone, which is a different dimension. The rest is confusion.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

OK. I'll let it go.

Sovereign Court

This movie is a horrible travesty.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Hama wrote:
This movie is a horrible travesty.

If this movie had a face I would punch it in the balls.

Sovereign Court


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