Pathfinder RPG Metal Dice

Licensed Products General Discussion

Q-Workshop is going to produce some Pathfinder RPG Metal Dice, and the project will be funded through Kickstarter (it is expected to launch mid-September).


Kind of wish they'd leak a little information, for budgeting purposes. I can't tell from any of the pictures available if they're solid of hollow 3D-printed. If it's the former, I'll set aside several hundreds of dollars for this. If they're hollow, I don't know if I want any at all.

This is interesting and I never thought about that. Do you mean metal dice are usually hollow?

They already produce a few metal dice sets ($50 for a set of 7 dice).

Fayries wrote:

This is interesting and I never thought about that. Do you mean metal dice are usually hollow?

They already produce a few metal dice sets ($50 for a set of 7 dice).

No, metal dice usually aren't hollow, but some of the latest 3D printing techniques do allow for it and it has been done. The tease pictures released so far of the Paizo/QWS dice look very intricate and it makes me wonder if they're printed. These are basically so gorgeous that I'm skeptical.

The Kickstarter is live, and they've confirmed they are not hollow, but solid metal.

Here's the link to the KS... already 1/3 to the first stretch goal (dice pouch)

Get Me Some Dice!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

A bit too pricey for me.
Also, I find it annoying that the highest # on each die is a "P" for pathfinder instead of the actual #.

Dark Archive

I think the price is a bit high but not horrible, but I quite like the "p" on the high face.

I also like the branded high-number. Now if we can just convince them to let us buy multiples of useful dice. I've already got metal dice sets that I bought in my young & foolish days but they never get use because I can't stand to roll 3d6 from three different dice sets.

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