Oz Folklore |

Characters Are All mix Breeds.
Rouge Knife master - Pretending To Be A Grand Magus has a pet chameleon
Spell Slinger - Metal Oriented Wizard Looking for Rare Metal Make Guns
Krytonian/Rock Subtype Human
Fighter Duelist - Mastering Swords But gonna try to duel wield Scythes
Tiefling/Water Subtype
I know the characters are weird sounding but the Dm is very open and this is the 5th generation of kids that we have played them all.
We have went deep into a archeologists dig with some of the archeologist. and found a cult of npcs that seem to worship flies won that fight and got out alive on their way there carriage gets hijacks nnd took into a cave were they are hung from a wall After getting free. The fighter Comes into contact with A pretty boy duelist.
That is were we stopped would love some ideas feel free to include homebrewed items, Monster, Npc.
So i am looking for.
1. Ideas for the story.
2. Home brewed loot
3. Cool Npc
4. A mixture of all of them.

Idle Champion |

You haven't given enough information to answer a question, and you haven't really asked a question. You seem to be asking for DMing information while saying you aren't the DM, and you seem to be suggesting that your campaign started in a half-built world and you want the forum to build a campaign setting based around what has previously happened, which you have expressed in a single short sentence. We don't even know what level your characters are.
There was a reason you didn't get a response on General Discussion.

Jakynth |

If your not the DM then why do you need any of this information?? The DM should be the one deciding
1. Ideas for the Story
2. All the Loot
3. Any and all NPC's
4. All of the Above and everything else that isn't directly what your character is doing.
Ask a question that you as the player need help with and I'll be more than happy to try and help.

Oz Folklore |

So sorry this is confusing we rotate Dungen mastering duties it is my turn to Dm. I was a player now I am dungeon mastering. The world is built But we add onto it all the time. We are currently level 2 and in a dungeon setting In a cave. There is one NPC That is the duelist he could be the leader or not that hasn't been decided yet. The only determined background is that they have been captured and are not outside. they are in one room and haven't seen any others.
Now as THE DUNGEON MASTER I was just looking for some new and fun ideas to toss at the players that maybe they haven't seen before.

ParagonDireRaccoon |
One suggestion I have is to let the players provide some of the plot- player suspicions and paranoia provide great story material. One of the treasure items could be a painting of what looks like the PCs with the title "Dragons of the Ninth Heaven." You could have a bedroom filled with items that seem to linked to the past and/or future of each PC. Notes on a rare element that could be what the Spell Singer is looking for, a spell storing weapon for the rogue knife master, a letter addressed to someone with the same name as a PC that might be from a distant relative, etc. The first session could be going deeper into the caves with the bedroom along the way. The players will speculate on the meaning of the items and the painting, and you can pick what like from their guesses and use that for the next session.
One of the NPCs I sometimes use, especially for low-level parties, is a semi-retired and absentminded ranger. The ranger lost a family heirloom with a lot of sentimental value and is retracing his or her footsteps from the start of their career hoping to find it. The NPC can be used for comedic effect or as deus ex machina, make the ranger several levels higher than the party and the ranger can turn the tide of a battle that is going poorly.
For homebrew loot, you could go the 'let the players fill in the blanks for the story' route. Make items that will increase in power as the PCs level up that are very specialized. Pick an unusual type of opponent- for example, aquatic LE celestial with a vulnerability to a specific energy attack. So the items discovered might start out as +1 weapons with aquatic LE celestial bane and after several levels will increase the bonus and will eventually grant water breathing, freedom of movement, and dimensional anchor. You could have a session where the PCs go to a sage who will figure what the eventual bonuses will be, and the players will speculate why the items were built for such a specific opponent.

Korthis |

We have went deep into a archeologists dig with some of the archeologist. and found a cult of npcs that seem to worship flies won that fight and got out alive on their way there carriage gets hijacks nnd took into a cave were they are hung from a wall After getting free. The fighter Comes into contact with A pretty boy duelist.
So your party went on an archeologist dig(why?), got into a fight with some cultist and won. Then you left the area only to have your carriage attacked(by more cultists or someone else?) and you were all captured. You escaped but were captured again and hung to a wall? Then a duelist enters the area and approaches the fighter(who is still captured or who has broken free?)?
*edit or is it: After you got free the fighter comes into contact with a duelist?
ParagonDireRaccoon |
Thank you ParagonDireRaccoon that's is very good Stuff i really like the idea of future stuff messing with there minds.
I'm glad it helps. I have a few suggestions for designing NPCs that I hope will be helpful:
I start with a list of roles that I'll need NPCs for. A few store owners/market stall workers who the PCs will buy gear from, clerics at a couple churches in town, a town gossip, a couple government officials, a retired adventurer who the PCs can go to for advice, a few children in town who deliver messages to the PCs from potential employers (kind of like in an MMO or Skyrim when a messenger delivers a letter with a job offer), a few families with farms a ways out of the city that the PCs stop by and visit. The families appreciate news from town and sometimes have rumors of bandits or monsters in the outlying woods.
I like to base NPCs off of characters from books, movies, and tv shows. I don't pick them all from one show, and sometimes I'll pick an actor and then pick one of their less famous roles (Jim Carrey in Man in the Moon is less iconic than him in Ace Ventura or the Mask, for example). If I have to make an NPC on the fly I usually base it off of a PC either I or a friend have played.
In terms of making a city feel alive, I like to throw in a few details you might see in a real world city and add a few unusual events that contrast everyday activity. A sign that reads 'Stonehaven- population 904' with the 904 crossed out and replaced with '905 congratulations Ahira and Lenia' is humorous and makes it feel like there are people living their lives in the town. A city or town might have an unusual event that brings tourists, like a blue dragon and a bronze dragon who race each and fly over the city every three months.

Oz Folklore |

Quote:We have went deep into a archeologists dig with some of the archeologist. and found a cult of npcs that seem to worship flies won that fight and got out alive on their way there carriage gets hijacks nnd took into a cave were they are hung from a wall After getting free. The fighter Comes into contact with A pretty boy duelist.So your party went on an archeologist dig(why?), got into a fight with some cultist and won. Then you left the area only to have your carriage attacked(by more cultists or someone else?) and you were all captured. You escaped but were captured again and hung to a wall? Then a duelist enters the area and approaches the fighter(who is still captured or who has broken free?)?
*edit or is it: After you got free the fighter comes into contact with a duelist?
Ok if you have every watched the anime fairy tale this will explain it. Our parents made a Adventure's guild there kids (Our PCs)are on a quest to help that archeologist. While deep in the dig site they found a contraption that when poked and prodded open up a door to a shrine deeper in the dig site. Were they were confronted by said cultist. After defeating them. They Completed there quest with the Archeologist and secured passage on a carriage back to the guild which goes through a valley were they were attacked by (Unknown bad guys could be cult or other.) But they were knocked unconscious without seeing anyone other than the duelist. They all 3 woke up hung on a wall without there items by there hands in maniacal But not there feet but they are off the floor buy about 3 feet. They didn't look around and the pretty boy duelist has been sitting in the dark across the room watching them. One of the pcs has a Chameleon companion which was sent to try to find there items only bringing back the fighters sword and And a few other smaller items. With that the fighter broke free and then locked eyes with the duelist and charged him and that's were we are.

Oz Folklore |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Oz Folklore wrote:Thank you ParagonDireRaccoon that's is very good Stuff i really like the idea of future stuff messing with there minds.I'm glad it helps. I have a few suggestions for designing NPCs that I hope will be helpful:
I start with a list of roles that I'll need NPCs for. A few store owners/market stall workers who the PCs will buy gear from, clerics at a couple churches in town, a town gossip, a couple government officials, a retired adventurer who the PCs can go to for advice, a few children in town who deliver messages to the PCs from potential employers (kind of like in an MMO or Skyrim when a messenger delivers a letter with a job offer), a few families with farms a ways out of the city that the PCs stop by and visit. The families appreciate news from town and sometimes have rumors of bandits or monsters in the outlying woods.
I like to base NPCs off of characters from books, movies, and tv shows. I don't pick them all from one show, and sometimes I'll pick an actor and then pick one of their less famous roles (Jim Carrey in Man in the Moon is less iconic than him in Ace Ventura or the Mask, for example). If I have to make an NPC on the fly I usually base it off of a PC either I or a friend have
In terms of making a city feel alive, I like to throw in a few details you might see in a real world city and add a few unusual events that contrast everyday activity. A sign that reads 'Stonehaven- population 904' with the 904 crossed out and replaced with '905 congratulations Ahira and Lenia' is humorous and makes it feel like there are people living their lives in the town. A city or town might have an unusual event that brings tourists, like a blue dragon and a bronze dragon who race each and fly over the city every three months.
I Love the idea of events in town I have done some before I have dmed alot but I am getting a promotion at work with more hours and less time And alot of life things but I don't want my players to suffer so I was looking for help on here for some good ideas which you have provided thank you. Now I hope to get a few more and I will be on my way.

Korthis |

So you guys are doing a kind of "Build the adventure as it goes" campaign, sounds like fun.
The fight with the duelist can go two ways: Either he surrenders before killed and becomes a plot hook or he is so strong that the fighter can't win. In the latter scenario they fight until the fighter lands a hit and then he says that he was testing the group to see their capability.
He turns out to actually be "whatshisface," the head of their own guild. Now that he is satisfied with their strength he will let them in on a secret; A member of one of the dark guilds has infiltrated the guild/town/guard and they need someone that is lesser known to investigate.
or perhaps a member of a dark guild stole a relic from the guildhouse
or kidnapped princess Oscila (who, after much searching and bloodshed turns out to be the palace cat).

lost in confusion |
I have a adventure idea I would like to do but the only type of adventure I have ran is dungeon here is my idea a mage ware vendor has traveled from town to selling potions saying the a potion of one type but you get a totally different potion even if it is from different school of magic he has found a way to mask reading the school type unfortunately this has caused some deaths and some chaos a local nobles daughter died because of this and has hired the pc's to track and bring the vendor in for justice. I would like to running something like this but I really don't know where to start any suggestions or advice is welcomed