One Time, At D&D Camp ...

Gamer Life General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

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Yes, there really was a D&D summer camp ...

Shippensburg University, in my home state of Pennsylvania, held week-long D&D camps every summer during the mid-eighties?

It was an awesome, geeky time! Head over and learn more (and check out an ... ahem ... awesome photo :)

One Time, at D&D Camp ...

Although it's not a sleepaway camp, my son goes to a Pathfinder day camp a week or two each summer. And his school has a Pathfinder after-school program!

I, of course, came up playing D&D in the basement of my church, at about the same time your camp happened.

Marc Radle wrote:

Yes, there really was a D&D summer camp ...

Shippensburg University, in my home state of Pennsylvania, held week-long D&D camps every summer during the mid-eighties?

It was an awesome, geeky time! Head over and learn more (and check out an ... ahem ... awesome photo :)

One Time, at D&D Camp ...

WOW! There was a girl in that photo!

She was also one of the only people smiling!

There is an expectation of a punchline involving an immovable rod and a *clang*


That’s right, a summer camp for D&D! Instead of basket weaving and archery, you played Dungeons & Dragons … all week. It was a lot of fun (I attended the last two years, and my best friend went the last three years). You stayed in the dorms, ate breakfast and lunch in the college cafeteria, and then spent the rest of your time playing D&D, attending seminars about D&D, and more! TSR even occasionally sent someone from the company as a guest of honor — I remember Frank Mentzer being there, which was great!

I think it could have also been awesome had they included other activities as well such as archery, sword fighting, axe throwing, armor making, and other related things.

Then again, that may be more of a Renaissance fair thing instead of a D&D camp.

Why did you make this topic three times?

Liberty's Edge

Heh, they were originally in different forums, but got moved here.

Liberty's Edge

GreyWolfLord wrote:

That’s right, a summer camp for D&D! Instead of basket weaving and archery, you played Dungeons & Dragons … all week. It was a lot of fun (I attended the last two years, and my best friend went the last three years). You stayed in the dorms, ate breakfast and lunch in the college cafeteria, and then spent the rest of your time playing D&D, attending seminars about D&D, and more! TSR even occasionally sent someone from the company as a guest of honor — I remember Frank Mentzer being there, which was great!

I think it could have also been awesome had they included other activities as well such as archery, sword fighting, axe throwing, armor making, and other related things.

Then again, that may be more of a Renaissance fair thing instead of a D&D camp.

Agreed. We could have mingled more with the kids from the other camps (and some of us did) but mostly there was no time - it was D&D all the time :)

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