July subscription shipment didn't authorize

Customer Service

Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Superscriber

The non Gen Con pick-up authorization has finished. If you did not set your subscription for Gen Con pick-up and you have not received your authorization email let us know by emailing, posting a new thread, or giving us a call Monday.

I am not going to Gen Con (and as such did not arrange for Gen Con pick-up). However, my subscription order is still Pending. The order number is 3603028.

Customer Service Representative

The authorization/order spawning being done means that orders should have been generated to accounts, and you should have gotten the order confirmation (which is what order #3603028 is).

After authorized, orders will remain in "pending" until they are processed for shipping. Our shipping window for July subscription orders is July 13th through the 24th, so you should see a shipping update in that time frame.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know.


Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Superscriber

OH! Sorry. Totally misunderstood. I'm all good then.

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