GMing replayable content

Pathfinder Society

4/5 Venture-Agent, Minnesota—Minneapolis

The Confirmation and The Wounded Wisp can be both be replayed with level one characters, gaining credit as normal. This is pretty basic.

But there seems to be some discrepancy with whether or not you can gain credit more then once while GMing either one more then once (barring the use of GM replays, of course). Can someone please clarify this for me, please? Preferably with an official post I can use to back it up, if needed.

4/5 ****

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Pathfinder Society Guide to Organized Play p38 wrote:
A GM may apply credit for running a scenario, module, or Adventure Path in any of the same ways a player can


What Pirate Rob said. It's evergreen for GMs running it too. ^_^

Grand Lodge 4/5

So you can gain GM credit for any number of characters who are 1st level when they earn the chronicles and one 2nd level character, only one per character.

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