Animate Dead on a Dire Wolf and / or a creature with reach

Rules Questions

IF I use Animate Dead on a Dire Wolf, if I understand the spell correctly, the animated Wolf Skeleton WOULD NOT still have a 'trip' on it's primary attack. Is this correct or does the wolf retain the 'trip'?

Related, if I animate a human skeleton can I get it a long speak and tell it to attack from reach using the weapon? I get the impression they would follow that order but would like another opinion or someone who knows for sure =)

Final question, if I used Animate Dead on a 10th level fighter we just killed it just comes back as a 1HD skeleton and not a 10HD skeleton correct? I believe when the rules say "loses all class levels" that was the intent?


1)In fact, a Dire Wolf would keep it's Trip Attack, as it is a part of his Natural Attack.

2)If you hand a skeleton a reach weapon, it attacks with that weapon from reach.


Undead are "Proficient with its natural weapons, all simple weapons, and any weapons mentioned in its entry."

So, a Longspear is totally fine. Talk to your GM about allowing other weapons, since I've seen plenty of variant Skeletons in APs and Modules wielding non-simple weapons.

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