final scenario reward for season 0

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society


asking this for a friend, sorry I do not have the full printed out line of text, so this may be off a bit.

The final reward talks about temporarily replacing 1 card in you deck with a loot of the same type.

was this suppose to mean that other character you a still playing in season 0 have access to all loot card that are in season 0.

does it mean that if you start a new season 0 character they would have access to all loot card at the beginning of the game, or that they would have access to all loot card of their appropriate level.

Sovereign Court

The loot access is for that character only. Rewards will either explicitly state when they apply to other characters, or be painfully obvious (for example, saying you can use Enora with the Wizard deck doesn't state you do it with another character, but obviously you aren't going to transform a tier 6 into a different class)

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