Crossing over S&S characters to WoTR

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society


Do you have to fully cross over a S&S to WoTR, say I have completed Ap4 of season 0 but I am ask to join a table of WoTR that on says 2.2, can you just cross over what you need to make your character in line with the group or do you need to process all the previous sheets.

Grand Lodge

If you have completed Adventure 4 of Season 0 then you are actually tier 5 in the tier advancement system. (Assuming you completed all the previous adventures.)

If you are wanting to join in on a scenario in Adventure 2 of Season 1, you won't be able to. It is outside the allowed Adventures. You'd be able to participate in Adventure 4, 5 or 6 of Season 1.

Now, if you are talking about joining in on a game of WotR and not organized play, you can reduce him down. Are you wanting to play the base Adventure Path or Season 1?


I am talking about, not applying all the scenarios (losing the ones not used) so that a player can join a group that is farther along than what he has available, but does not wish to be so low that they are most likely a burden to the team.

Grand Lodge

If you have completed Adventure 4 of Season 0 then your character cannot legally join the Season 1 group in Adventure 2 scenarios.

You can't adjust the tier of a reported character like that.

I'd suggest using a pre-gen and applying it to a new character after the scenario finishes.

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