Kast Phaer |
No, if you have a cold iron weapon, then you do. Twig is just a little out of it and Kast's is like a bright beacon in the night.
Aye! She speaks truth. The Iron Quill strikes fear into the heart of demon and fey alike.
The only things that do not fear the 'Quill' are scholars and soldiers who understand the forces behind both quill and blade.
GM_Verdigris |
Yay! the map seems to be working for people. I am playing in a game where the GM uses this method and it is pretty awesome. I'm glad it's working for us here too.
GM_Verdigris |
I'm off to Dundracon. I should be back to full force on Tuesday, but I'll try to do some posting when I can.
GM_Verdigris |
Sorry folks, I know this is lagging, but I'm confused. Are you:
A: Waiting for the meal and distraction to start
B>: going somewhere immediately.
and once you are going somewhere, are you going to:
1:Wagon A
2:the Kitchen
3:The Headquarters
4:Somewhere else that I've missed.
GM_Verdigris |
I'm going to be gone to a mini con this weekend. I will try to do an update Sunday Evening when I get home.
Simon Shrewsbury |
Simon's current ability tally, as of round 5 in the Kabran battle:
touch of flame: 1/6
oracle spells: 2/5
witch spell: 1/1
heat aura: 1/1
fire breath: 1/1
scrawny herbalist swagger: unlimited
GM_Verdigris |
Hi all. We're about 60% of the way to 4th, I think, depending on how things roll out.
Unfortunately this is my busy season at work so I may be slower than usual some days.
I just wanted to let you know.
GM_Verdigris |
Sorry, Simon, I was going by where the squares were on the map. yes, take your attack of opportunity. I didn't worry about flanking last round as you hit regardless, but yes, you'll have it for the AoO. Go for it, Simon. You can do it!
GM_Verdigris |
Happy Easter or other Celebration of the rebirth of the northern hemisphere. I'll be away playing with Goblins this morning and trying out a new scenario this afternoon, but I'll try to look in in between to take Faith's turn.
GM_Verdigris |
So you have basically completed this section of the story, save for answering the questions I just left in the game play thread. I quickstepped over the diplomacy with the hunter groups because I figured you all might be tired of playing with them, and honestly, they're just a a bunch of commoners without a leader now. Well, I guess they DO have leaders now, now that you guys have freed them from Kabran's yoke and the Lady's misleading ways.
Please level to 4.
Chrystosm |
It's time for a level of rogue, I think. So:
HP + 6
Reflex save: +2
Sneak attack +1d6
Trapfinding (+1 to perception checks to disarm traps; +1 to Disable Device checks)
Skill points 9 (Acrobatics +1, Bluff +1, Climb +1, Craft (weaponsmithing) +1, Disable Device +1, Diplomacy +1, Perception +1, Sense Motive +1, Stealth +1)
Nimeon |
+1 Paladin
Favored Class: +1 Skill Point
Ability: +1 Dex
HP: 6 +1 Con
+1 BAB
+1 Fort
+1 Will
+1 Survival
+1 Perception
+2 K. Local
Profile updated.
Note that Initiative, AC, and Saving Throws have all been raised due to Dex and Diving Grace.
Dorial |
Othoe |
NEXT LEVEL (4) (Wizard (evocation) 4)
+5 HP (+4 base, +1 con) (total 22)
+6 Skills (Linguistics (Aklo), Knowledge(planes), Knowledge(local), Knowledge(history), spell craft, diplomacy)
+1 Ability (Intelligence)
+4 Skills from Int bump (Climb, Swim, Linguistics (Infernal), Disguise)
+1 Language from Int bump (Goblin)
+1 BAB
+1 Will save
+2 Learned spells (Glitterdust(2), Scorching Ray(2))
+1 First level spell (usually Grease)
+1 Second level spell (usually Glitterdust)
+1 damage to evocation spells (total +2)
I also mistakenly took a rank in Fly last level. You cannot take a rank in fly if you cannot fly, so I have to save that for later. Foolish me. I'll switch it out for a rank in Knowledge(geography) so I can get my bearings on the ground first.
Kast Phaer |
+1 lvl Soldier
+1 Strength
+9 hp (6 +2 con +1 toughness)
+1 BAB
+5 skill points:
+1 Know (Arcana)
+1 Know (Nature)
+1 Know (Religion)
+1 Know (Planes)
+1 Know (Local)
Simon Shrewsbury |
I should have been more clear in Simon's posts, the boiling, revealing outburst does proceed the reconciling, docile plea afterwards, the gathered crowd sees both sides of the herbalist's personality.
GM_Verdigris |
This would be the purchasing portion of this part of the adventure. Please feel free to ask Bricks about whatever you might be missing. He may have it; he deals with a wide variety of folks.
Kast Phaer |
My access to the selling doc will be limited until Sunday.
Can someone see to the liquidation of stuffs we don't need and let me know about how much monies we have to spend?
Sadly, I don't think we have time for magical enchanting of the Iron Quill, but Kast would try to buy some knickknacks.
Also, do we need a new wand of CLW?
Othoe |
I don't know where we are on the CLW wand, but some of the items we've found so far need more identification. I've summarized the treasure sheet below with my suggestions.
Finish Identifying
- Chandelier Cage Trap (2,000gp)
- Chest filled with Fey parts (2,000gp+) (clearly we return the parts to the Fey and ID the chest)
- Desk with two magical drawers (2,080gp+) the smaller drawer is a 'hidey hole' drawer)
Give to the Fey
- Unicorn Horn wand (cure light/infernal healing w/ 16 charges) (800gp)
- Circlet of Persuasion (Lyriah's circlet broken into a ring) (4,000gp)
- Sheets of Gentle Repose (2,000gp)
- Silver Snuff Box (150gp) (filled with unknown drugs which Othoe suggests we just dump out)
- two +1 Daggers (2,604gp)
- Gems and gold from desk (6,000gp)
- Fingertip tool set (causes flesh worm infestation (2,500gp)
Someone should claim or we sell
- Velvet/Amulet (+1 amulet natural armor) (2,000gp)
- Mithral Chainmail (4,150gp)
Othoe will try to ID the items he missed before now that it's a new day. Whatever he still misses, he'll ask Brickasnurd to help identify.
Chandelier Cage: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Chest: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
Desk Drawer: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Kast Phaer |
Someone should wear the mithral chainmail, and if no one else wants dibs on it, then Simon will proudly wear it.
I had thought that Chrystosm would claim that. Kast has his shiny breastplate.
Simon Shrewsbury |
yep, looks like Nimeon and Chrystosm both have studded leather, both of them would benefit from the upgrade so it should go to one of them, and we should put in the money for the other to get an armor upgrade as well.
GM_Verdigris |
Bricks and Othoe together make some progress on the items left to identify. The mithral chainmail has been enhanced to +1, (5,150gp).
The chandelier, Bricks is able to quickly identify. It's a nymph trap and does the following (plot device, not planning on statting it all the way out if that's ok)
It transforms into a fey luring trap. Traps them and zaps their magic via cold iron. Resizes to fit from tiny to large. opens up to allow access to the inmate, resizing them to small for tiny, medium for small, and large to medium while open. closing returns the trap and the inmate back to their original size, with the trap resizing to fit.
Simon Shrewsbury |
the +1 daggers and the amulet should get claimed as well, probably by the front liners
maybe the fey trap should go to the fey queen along with the wand and circlet?
Simon will take the silver snuff box, undumped :)
GM_Verdigris |
:) yeah, I thought Simon might feel that way.
The last desk was crafted much like the first and the drawer is another hidey hole. Within are letters much like the one found in the ledger. They are graphic and vile, going into great detail about Kabran's current activities and his future plans for Kreed, the Fey, and Falcon's Hollow. It also mentions an ancient dwarven cold iron mine near the town, which he and his Patron plan to exploit once Kreed is out of the way. Did no one notice that there was soooo much of this stuff around? ;)
Kast Phaer |
the +1 daggers and the amulet should get claimed as well, probably by the front liners
Kast is happy to claim the amulet, but he suspects that it might be more valuable to a shappechanger (*cough* Dorial *cough*).
But if no one wants it, Kast is happy to take it.
On the other stuff, sell sell.
Is it possible to get the Quill enchanted before we go?
Simon Shrewsbury |
what about a Scabbard of Vigor, does Bricksnurd have one of those, and could Kast use it with the Quill? though Nimeon or Chrysto still could, so it would be a good item either way for our sense of urgency
and how about any feather tokens, perhaps a Tree Token? (400gp)