Anyone have a full set of the Rat Queens character sheets?

PaizoCon General Discussion

Editor, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Liz Courts and James Sutter were kind enough to let me have a few of the extra character sheets for the Rat Queens that were going around at the Delve tables, but I think I missed one: I could've sworn someone (Crystal Frasier, maybe) was playing Violet at a table I sat in on, and I didn't manage to get one of those. I currently have Hannah, Betty, Dee, Braga, and Sawyer, but I'm not sure how many were made.

Could any con goer who kept a Violet sheet, or any others I might have missed, be kind enough to PM me? I'd love to get a hi-res scan that I could print out to go with the others for my Big Book O' Rainy Day Character Sheets I keep in my game room. Thanks in advance!

heres a link to the sheets on fb

Editor, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Oh, nice--thank you so much! I would still like a higher-resolution scan of the Violet sheet, however, if anyone can provide one.

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Also downloadable on

Editor, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Excellent! I'm glad these were able to be distributed after all. Thanks again, Liz!

awesome didnt know ya put them up here

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