Does playing through the society scenarios work with base-game character / deck advancement rules?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

I was just wondering if the society scenarios still work well if you just want to play the the base-game's method of improving your deck (essentially keep-what-you-find).

Grand Lodge

If you are talking about the new Season of the Righteous and whether you can advance base set characters without using the PFS ACG tier advancement, I don't know.

The new scenarios are being introduced this weekend and I'm sure Tanis will be able to answer your question.

If you're talking about the Season of the Shackles scenarios, then you can still use the standard advancement with base set characters. The rewards are attached to the scenarios just like in the standard Adventure Path.

Yep, just asking about using the society scenarios for non-society play (as more variety / extra scenarios for the game).

Pathfinder ACG Developer

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They should be perfectly playable, but realize that you'll probably have an easier time of it (especially later scenarios). You'll have access to a lot more boon options than can fit in a class deck, and the scenarios assume you're using one.

That said, more ways to play is great no matter how you slice it.

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