Last round of last fight of book 1. Killed! Now what?


Silver Crusade

Well I need a character idea. My feral mutagen swilling alchemist/urban barbarian bit the dust as the curtain closed on book 1. Im bummed and stumped on what to play for book 2. I've got the melee role, but tired of paladins and barbarians. Any ideas? (Nothing from ACG please)

Silver Crusade Contributor

Not even archetypes from ACG? :(

You could try a dwarf monk with the Earth Child Style feats. It's the favored enemy (giant) of punching people. ^_^

Fighting giants means big rooms. Play a cavalier and teach them to fear the mounted charge.

If you really want to mix it up, play a summoner - maybe a beefy synthesist, maybe just a guy with a really tough eidolon.

That's just off the top of my head. Any thoughts?

Grand Lodge

Have you considered a melee druid? Fighting giants means plenty of room to turn into the really big things that wildshape grants. T-rex anyone?

What's expected of you in the melee role?

Silver Crusade

Well, we have a cleric (not a big channeller, caster), conjurer, and ranger archer. I want big damage and big AC. Big fan of being enlarged. Druid may not work without wild armor and not enough HP. I'm kind of thinking alchemist fighter now...maybe 2 levels alchemist, the rest fighter? The group scored some magic item/artifact/plot devise gear that they need a proper warrior type to use

Liberty's Edge

Synthesist Summoner.

So if I get you, you're wanting something that keeps you and the bad guy(s) close so the dainty and ranged don't get their tootsies damp from the blood they spill -- but at the same time you want to spill some blood yourself?

Silver Crusade Contributor

Talos the Talon! wrote:
Well, we have a cleric (not a big channeller, caster), conjurer, and ranger archer. I want big damage and big AC. Big fan of being enlarged. Druid may not work without wild armor and not enough HP. I'm kind of thinking alchemist fighter now...maybe 2 levels alchemist, the rest fighter? The group scored some magic item/artifact/plot devise gear that they need a proper warrior type to use

I know what you said about the ACG, but what you're describing here just screams mutation warrior. ^_^

Grand Lodge

Talos the Talon! wrote:
Well, we have a cleric (not a big channeller, caster), conjurer, and ranger archer. I want big damage and big AC. Big fan of being enlarged. Druid may not work without wild armor and not enough HP. I'm kind of thinking alchemist fighter now...maybe 2 levels alchemist, the rest fighter? The group scored some magic item/artifact/plot devise gear that they need a proper warrior type to use

If you're worried about the cost of the Wild Armor Enchantment, just get barding that fits the wildshape of your preference.

Or you can try a different path. Build a 'defender of the weak' but after a level of fighter (possibly unbreakable) go to a ranger and take two weapon or sword and shield style, either way concentrating on making anyone who tries to bypass your armored lump pay dearly.

Assuming, that is, you don't just run it up the fighter chain.

Dwarf Unchained Monk (Sohei) comes to mind. Trick out like a pony for giant killing mayhem.

Silver Crusade

I'm thinking dwarf fighter1/beastmorph alchemist 3 for book 2. I'll keep the feral mutagen idea going, and have bombs for back up. Eventually grab tanglefoot bomb for keeping stuff back.

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