Surprise in May Subscription Shipment?

Customer Service

Has anyone else noticed a reference to a surprise in your May subscription order? I was looking over my email and it shows my 4 subscription items. Then at the very bottom it says:

5 items. Estimated package weight: 3 lbs.
An item isn't being displayed here because it's a surprise.

If you get your surprise before me, don't tell me what it is. I want to be surprised when it arrives. I'm just curious if others are seeing this too?

Actually, if you have read this post and you get your shipment before me, post it in a spoiler tag so I can see if we got the same thing!

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Spoilered, just in case.


Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

Actually in this case, it's not the promo cards. The bundle you ordered isn't sold with the hardcover a separate piece so the it is marked as hidden from the website. The tech team recently made a change where any hidden item was listed as "a surprise". This was done to make the Card Game promo card names a surprise. Unintended consequence of doing this was that ANY hidden product is now listed as a surprised and I have been informed by the tech team that that change cannot be rolled back.

Ha! That's funny! It makes sense, though.

Wee Beasties is on its way, hiding in a box. Thanks!

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