Elemental Assessor and Elemental Commixture

Rules Questions

My favorite teamwork feat, by far, is Elemental Commixture.

But I can't figure out what happens when you use it with elemental acessor.

I think it's one of the following-

1) it's an invalid combination

2) it has all the effects of each element blended with each of the secondary element (if the secondary is elemental acessor, it has the effects of every blend.

If two, then-

1) the secondary effects stay the same after it decides a damage type.

2) the secondary effects change when the damage type changes, only being the damage type it is currently dealing and the secondary spell.

Any input on this?

I think I figured it out, actually.

As it says "a" secondary effect, there would only be one.

Since the acessor has all of them at once, the wording is incompatable, and it would just not work.

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