Scheduling Bug?

PaizoCon General Discussion

Scarab Sages

Folks -

Something's weird. I managed to snag a table Fri Morning for NORM Bloodcove, but it won't show up on my Schedule. What's up?

I'd attach a picture of the "On Your Schedule" block, but can't using the forums...

duncan davenport
The Grim MacKay

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

Can you email it to

Scarab Sages

Thanks Sara - but it appears to be Too Late. (I should have saved the screen clip!)
When I go back there now, it shows FULL (it said 5 out of 6 when I tried to sign up). So I have nothing to show you.

Thanks anyway...

There's really very little left. I blinked, and everything filled up. Honestly, if I had known everything would be filled - (except the High-Level COREs - because how many folks HAVE 7+ CORE's anyway?) - I dunno... it's frustrating to have committed to 4 days and vacation time and then find there's nothing left. Mostly I'm bummed about missing the Friday Evening event.

Are there any plans to recycle unused slots?


Technology Manager

Always check your schedule on the sidebar, sometimes the system will flag an event you are attempting to add because it thinks it's available at the time but when it goes back to the server it finds someone darted in and grabbed it. The event itself doesn't always get it's status cleared because of caching, however the event schedule on the sidebar is always accurate. If your event shows up there, you're in.

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