Rogue Skill Unlocks

Pathfinder Society

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *

Some skills (Bluff rank 20, Handle Animal 15, Sense Motive 10) offer abilities that read "as spell X". Without any further text on the Skill Unlocks as a whole, or within the specific skills, are these abilities SP, SU, or EX?

3/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Since they are based on the number of skill ranks (which is to say, as the result of extensive training), I would say Ex.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *

Joseph Kellogg wrote:
Since they are based on the number of skill ranks (which is to say, as the result of extensive training), I would say Ex.

I would love EX, and Mark Seifter said he would lean EX, but I would like an answer for PFS if possible.

Mark Seifter wrote:
No reason they wouldn't be Ex. You're just that awesome at Sense Motive that you can figure out what they're thinking through deduction. It's elementary, my dear rogue!

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