How does Catchesis from Hellknight Signifier interact with mystery spells?

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Catchesis says...

If a Hell Knight enforcer has the Warrior Priest feat, his Hell Knight enforcer level stacks with other divine spellcasting classes for determining the effects of those classes' domain powers, inquisitions, and mysteries. This doesn't grant any new powers or abilities. In addition, a enforcer with the Warrior Priest feat gains Alignment Channel (chaos) as a bonus feat, and treats his Hell Knight enforcer levels as cleric levels when determining the amount of damage chaotic outsiders are either healed or dealt, and when determining their saving throw DCs to halve this damage.

So since it says that it "stacks with other divine spellcasting classes for... mysteries" does that mean all aspects of the mysteries? Such as any revelations you already have, any you pick up via extra revelation, and it seems, that since it would advance your mystery, that you'd still get your mystery spells, as they are a PART of the mystery that it's advancing. Obviously it wouldnt give you anything for your curse, as that's a separate class feature. Am I reading this right by RAW? How about your final revelation? If you go Oracle 10/Signifier 10, will you get your final revelation? Since it advances your mystery? since at level 20 you'd be taking the level in oracle, it would grant you new abilities, and those levels would stack with the signifier levels.


"This doesn't grant any new powers or abilities"

All it does it improve the effects of mysteries which rely on oracle level, say '1/day per oracle level' or similar. These would stack.

You would not get extra spells or revelations (without extra revelation feat).

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I know that it doesnt give any new revelations. but a spell is not a 'power or ability' really is it? it's an aspect of the mystery, not a new power. Hmm alright.

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