Has a 3rd Party did a full FR Conversion?

Savage Tide Adventure Path

I have been reading that WotC didn't allow Paizo to finish their conversion notes for Savage Tide in the Forgotten Realms. Which doesn't make sense since WotC agreed to let them finish it all out after the license was pulled?

Can someone please show me where there is a place online where someone converted the rest of the adventure path beyond what they did? Someone had to

No one knows or maybe one is not in existence. Sad. Damn WotC.

The Exchange

I ran Savage Tide in the Realms several years ago, before PFRPG came out. I don't recall any serious conversion being required. I places Sasserine in the kingdom of Tashalar (we just changed the name of that city on the map to Sasserine.

We then sent the ship off the southern edge of the map to the Isle of Dread.

I don't remember much else being required to adjust things. I remember I had a word doc about some changes. I'm on break at work right now, when I get home I'll see if I can find that.

The Exchange

I was wrong, it's not a word doc, but I do nonetheless have a pdf that would help you. It's copyright by WOTC though, and permission is not given for me to post it here.

I will however email it to you, if you give me your email address. I recommend doing so by way of private message.

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