New 5E game built on a stripped down STAP, anyone got good stuff...

Savage Tide Adventure Path

The Exchange

I am going to be running a new 5E campaign that I am building on a stripped down Savage Tide game with a bunch of short adventures placed throughout. I am going for a more sandbox feel to the path.
I was wondering if anyone has any good resources that could help....battlemaps, maps, cool handouts, conversions, etc....basically anything that would enhance the gameplay and get the PC's into the feel more.
Sifting through the various STAP threads is painful with all the old links that no longer work so I thought to ask so those actively using the path might help out.

The Exchange


The Exchange

No one? I know it's an old path but I thought someone would be active still....

Fake Healer wrote:

No one? I know it's an old path but I thought someone would be active still....

Well, I'm not really doing anything with the campaign, but here's a link to where I have all my "stuff" from when I was running the campaign. Not sure if you'll find it useful or not, but let no man say I didn't try to help. :)


The Exchange

Very nice! It must've been a great campaign. Thanks, I see a great amount of resources to farm here!
Any thoughts on what parts of the path you would do differently or alterations that would help? I ran it for an old group so I saw a few issues that I want to iron out but I would love to hear a different opinion on the stuff from someone who has experienced the path.

Liberty's Edge

I'm gearing up for a 5e Savage Tide game that I'm decoupling into a handful of loosely connected adventures so I'm curious how you stripped down the campaign.

I'm planning on doing parts 1&2 as a single adventure and 3-7 as a super module update of Isle of Dread, with Hidden Shrine of Tamaoachan (updated in Tales from the Yawning Portal) replacing most of part 3 and acting as a hook for the exploration of the island. I don't have plans to do the stuff in the Abyss but who knows.

I've been playing Savage Tide in 5E for a little over a year now in a store. The group is currently at the end of issue #8 "City of Broken Idols" and ready to leave the Isle of Dread for Scuttlecove.

I am not a fan of Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan in a campaign. It works well as a one shot, but the core idea of players getting trapped inside the dungeon before play even begins seems awfully railroady. I know my players would complain about not getting to make passive Perception rolls against the pitfall that starts the adventure if they'd been playing their characters for awhile.

One of the aids that really helped me was using a PF => 5E conversion tool found here You'll have the slightly Pathfinderize some of the weirder monsters to plug into it, but it helped me to play with a few new monsters that were in the adventure but not in 5E.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the resource, it's not easy to find a decent 5e converter. Usually I just find a monster that is thematically similar or region something that already exists. If that fails, I whip up a new monster, which I have gotten pretty good at doing.

I'm hoping Hidden Shrine of Tamaochan doesn't irritate my players but they are pretty easy going and one is a big old school fan so it should go well.

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