How to use PaizoCon Lottery, Event Registration, and the Buddy System

PaizoCon General Discussion

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Technology Manager

melferburque wrote:

I noticed late last week that my schedule got borked... both the friday and saturday specials got dropped from my schedule, as well as a saturday morning session.

I noticed they were still missing this morning, but I could "add to my schedule" so I did. should I be worried that it looks like I was *actually* dropped from these, and it wasn't just a glitch?

If they are showing up on your schedule now, you should be fine.

Sovereign Court

Cort Odekirk wrote:
Dario Nardi wrote:
I signed up for a Monday morning game with my buddy that had room for 1 more person. Yay! -- EXCEPT... while it says by the game "On your schedule", it doesn't actually appear on my schedule, no matter refreshing or remove/re-add...? How can I find out if it's really on my schedule? (Also, when I register, the number of players stays at 11 rather than moving to 12). PS. There's no schedule conflicts. Help me Obiwan!
Yeah, this was a weird one. One of the folks signed up for the last slot but had a schedule conflict and managed to get the system to acknowledge him as in the event, but not taking up a slot. We've straightened it out and folks were put into the event in the order they added it to their schedule up to the event's capacity. So you will either be fully in the event now or have been removed entirely.

Thank you for fixing it. I didn't get into it. :-( But I will try to trade with someone else. And who knows who will really show at 8 am on Monday morning!

Scarab Sages

Very true. After three days at the con, some people might sleep in on Monday morning (intentionally or not).

Liberty's Edge

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Silver Crusade

Might be nothing, but the events don't appear to be filling correctly. Only tbe core events are showing sign ups. Many of tbe Norm games are not. In fact the events show I'm signed up for Core when I'm signed up for the Norm version. My schedule reflects tbe correct sign up, but the event doesn't.

Hopefuuly it's just goofy on my screen, but you might want to double check that before people sign up for events that are actually full.

Technology Manager

sowhereaminow wrote:

Might be nothing, but the events don't appear to be filling correctly. Only tbe core events are showing sign ups. Many of tbe Norm games are not. In fact the events show I'm signed up for Core when I'm signed up for the Norm version. My schedule reflects tbe correct sign up, but the event doesn't.

Hopefuuly it's just goofy on my screen, but you might want to double check that before people sign up for events that are actually full.

Hey sowhereaminow,

I suspect it's just a caching issue with the display for you, but I'd like to investigate. Can you give me some specific examples I can use?



Silver Crusade

Cort Odekirk wrote:
sowhereaminow wrote:

Might be nothing, but the events don't appear to be filling correctly. Only tbe core events are showing sign ups. Many of tbe Norm games are not. In fact the events show I'm signed up for Core when I'm signed up for the Norm version. My schedule reflects tbe correct sign up, but the event doesn't.

Hopefuuly it's just goofy on my screen, but you might want to double check that before people sign up for events that are actually full.

Hey sowhereaminow,

I suspect it's just a caching issue with the display for you, but I'd like to investigate. Can you give me some specific examples I can use?



For example, on Friday morning my scedule shows I am registered for 6-15 The Overflow Archives (Norm). When I scroll down to the event, it shows I am registered for 6-15 (Core), which has 12/12 spots filled. The 6-15 (Norm) version is showing as 0 of 12 spots filled.

Going to reset my cache and see if that clears it.

Silver Crusade

Clearing the cache worked. Should have tried that first. :-)

Technology Manager

sowhereaminow wrote:

Clearing the cache worked. Should have tried that first. :-)

No problem, I'll take the easy win :)

Dark Archive

it looks like I've lost my spot for saturday morning from under ice (NORM). it hadn't shown up on my schedule, but when I searched the events it listed me as being able to remove myself from the full event, so I didn't think much of it.

now the event says it's full, and I'm not able to remove myself.

I guess I'm glad I went back and added myself to the two specials that were mysteriously dropped from my schedule, or I'd have lost them as well.

what happened?

Dark Archive

as it stands, there's nothing open for saturday slots at all except core. and most of the core games are empty. will any of those slots be converted to normal campaign?

also curious why so many of the scenarios are being offered as two or three table blocks during the same time slot, instead of split across more than one time slot? would have made it easier to juggle schedules. as is, there were some slots with two or three scenarios I'd like to play, and other slots that didn't offer much.

Technology Manager

Until an event shows up on your schedule, you are not locked in. The event itself will show it's adding the event to your schedule but when it pings back to the server the event's availability may have changes. Sometimes, because of a caching issue, the event doesn't always update right away. Your schedule, however, is much more real time. If an event shows up there, you've been added on the server side.

Grand Lodge

Sara Marie wrote:

With the second round of volunteers coming through, who else should I be in contact with for the store credit and for having someone else have a spot at the table I won a lottery for?

Grand Lodge

Yeah, I got shut out of one game because the system wouldn't accept my request, and other people signed up in the meanwhile.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

If there are more people signing up for normal than core, wouldn't the potential core tables be converted to normal?

Dark Archive

Cort Odekirk wrote:
Until an event shows up on your schedule, you are not locked in. The event itself will show it's adding the event to your schedule but when it pings back to the server the event's availability may have changes. Sometimes, because of a caching issue, the event doesn't always update right away. Your schedule, however, is much more real time. If an event shows up there, you've been added on the server side.

the event DID show up on my schedule. then it didn't, but when I went to add myself back to the scenario (when there was still room) it said I was already in it. now there's nothing left but core, which I'm not really interested in.

Auriea wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
With the second round of volunteers coming through, who else should I be in contact with for the store credit and for having someone else have a spot at the table I won a lottery for?

Not sure.what you mean by store credit, but you can just drop the.lottery game.if you like.

Grand Lodge

Ah sweet. I just emailed about this store credit thing, so I shall play the waiting game.

Dark Archive

will the core games with no signups get converted to normal campaign during the sign up process, or will they just be mustered at the con?

Grand Lodge Global Organized Play Coordinator

melferburque wrote:
will the core games with no signups get converted to normal campaign during the sign up process, or will they just be mustered at the con?

Mustered at the con once we see no one has shown up with core tickets.

Grand Lodge

if anyone is interested in trading I have a banquet ticket I would like to trade for the special event tomorrow night. You give me your ticket for the special I will give you mine for the banquet.

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