Running RotR for new group...

Rise of the Runelords

Shadow Lodge

I will be running this for a group of 4 to 6 relatively new table top players. We have run some previous solitary scenarios and we always had a good time.

My specific concern is that as many of these players are new to tabletop and specifically Pathfinder that they will be overwhelmed by the amount of choices for character creation and development. As such, I wondered about limiting source material available.

However, I have heard that RotR is quite deadly. If I do limit their choices, and subsequent optimization, would I be severely handicapped being there ability to complete the campaign?

Bottom line do you think it's reasonable to limit source material? And if so, which books would be the most useful for the players going forward?

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

RotRL was created for 4 15-point-buy PCs from the CRB.

Sure it can have its deadly moments, but qualifying this campaign as "quite deadly" may not be entirely accurate, compared to other adventure paths.

For starting players, you can't go wrong by suggesting CRB-only characters. Give them 20 or 25-point-buy stats, simply because players love having decent stats. I did 25 point buy, min 8 max 18 after racial mods.

You could also decide on a semi-CRB-only approach, where you suggest CRB but allow anything from a select number of other books (or from the prd or from the pfsrd) on approval.

My current group is a fighter, a barbarian, a paladin and an alchemist. Kind of a one-dimensional group, as all three martials are 2-handed melee specialists.

Lucky for them, a 5th guy showed up and decided to make a wizard, because I was thinking with no spellcasting at all, it was going to be a tough campaign. Going into Skinshaw without a cleric seems like a very bad idea too... I would recommend your group try to be as well-rounded as possible

Yeah, give em 20 pts, and restrict it to core unless they bring something to you that you approve. That way they can just play the base stuff, but it they want to play around a bit, they can.

Shadow Lodge

Sweet. Thanks for the advice!

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