Downloading Session Sheets

Pathfinder Society


So a question for those in the know:

On the session reporting section of the web site on the MyPathfinderSociety page, the GM/Event Coordinator tab where it shows the Events you have registered, I have two events.

One of them, I created for home games some time ago. For that event there is an additional link that says 'Download session sheets' which creates a handy pdf file with session reporting sheets, with the event code and name prefilled in. 3 such sheets to a page.

The other event, however, does not have this link, or any obvious alternate way to create these session sheets. I recently created this event (after the recent changes to the site), which might be relevant.

Anyone know why it exists for one event, but not the other? One is private, while the other is not... other than that, and when they were created, they don't seem different.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Look at the bottom on the event. There's a box that says number of sessions. Put a number in that box and the session sheet will show up.


That was it, perfect!

Totally missed that one little box at the very end.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Yeah, I found out about this back when I was organizing a local convention. I've had to point it out to a few people now. :)


[necro] Thank you Eric, although for some reason it won't let me update the sessions box with either the save or update button. I've tried with and without other changes (that *do* get saved).

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Yup, currently there is a bug in the reporting system that won't allow you to enter a number of sessions. The number actually organically grows as you report sessions.

So to get the link to download session sheets you need to report a dummy session. Then go download the session sheets.

Then you can either delete the dummy session, or edit it to input your first true reported session.


Excellent, thanks Andy.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Sure thing.

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