(PFS / PBP / Roll20) Season 5 Destiny of the Sands Tier 5

Online Play

Scarab Sages 2/5

Pathfinder Society Game, non-core.
I will be taking a group through all 3 of the Destiny of the Sands scenarios from season 5. Thus, i require those who are joining this game to be 5th level.

I currently have one slot taken. Other than that, feel free to ask me questions. I plan on starting this game around the 18th of this month.

This game will be play-by-post with maps located on Roll20. Sometimes, i use lighting to make it a little bit difficult, but i try to keep all the games fun.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Sounds like fun! Mind if I sign up? I can pm my last chronicle as well as my race boon once I get home from work.

Scarab Sages 2/5

Sure. I am also waiting for the one person to chime in here as well.

Grand Lodge 3/5

I am interested in this scenario. My level is 3 though.

I have some level 4 and level 5 characters but I but prefer to play with Eldon as I use those for real life playing and would not like to block them for months.

Also I want to note I cannot access Roll20 on my phone and thus will be a bit limited on that map topic.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Alrighty, PM has been sent! Computer was having issues last night when I got home. As for the roll20 maps, I can do all the maps from home, but not sure if I can do it from work, as I have the Fire Kindle HD. I can, however, deal with the maps at home!

Scarab Sages 2/5

If most of you have trouble with Roll20, i'll switch to Google Documents. However, i would like to keep this higher level. Lowest I am willing to go is level 4... but would like that character to be 5 for the last scenario.

Grand Lodge 3/5

I'm fine with whatever your choice is. Roll20 would be a nice medium, if I could use it at work, which I can't. I'll work with it from home in the weird hours that I am there though.

If not though, I can work with the Google sheets on my phone pretty much anywhere I have signal.

Grand Lodge

I would love to get in on this

Scarab Sages 2/5

Hey guys... for some reason, my recruitment thread was moved and i can't open it up as a campaign on this thread... Why an admin would movie it, i don't know... But anyways. I have opened another thread up and made it into a campaign... Here is the Link..

Also, if you're new to this thread, please follow this link to the new thread.

New Thread

Grand Lodge 3/5

I think it was moved because they read the Roll20 and thought it was an online real-time based game instead of PbP.

Signed in the PbP thread.

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