Planning on converting all Golarion Sci Fi to Steampunk.

Homebrew and House Rules

**Disclaimer** This is not a thread to debate this preference. This is a how too thread. So I respect your preference to not agree but this isn't the place to voice it.

So with that over with, I was planning on eliminating all the sci fi elements out of Golarion by playing up the clockwork angle. Add a bit of steam powered clockwork robots (very rare). I plan on turning androids into clockwork people with porcelain like facades. Play up Brigh in her more gearworks aspect. Eliminate all laser guns to primitive firearms level just like other areas of Golarion. Anyone have any other cool tips to add to this?

Liberty's Edge Contributor

This is a neat idea and will be helpful for folks who enjoy the idea behind Numeria, but want to avoid the high-tech aspect. Given the canonical lore already put forth in the Technology Guide, one thing that might help would be to go through that book and work out clockwork analogues for the material in there. (See what I did there? ;)

I'll do some ruminating and post anything I come up with.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You pretty much would have to get rid of Destiny and everything else that came from it. Clockwork will get you to some distance, but not city sized starships.

Dark Archive

Vril crystal stuff designed by the Aboleth-inspired Azlanti might serve to replace 'lasers,' (with green crystal tipped lances and rods and staves used to fire vril blasts at people, tapping into any spell slots or prepared spells you've got, or Con points if you've got no magical energy for the weapon to tap...).

LazarX wrote:
You pretty much would have to get rid of Destiny and everything else that came from it. Clockwork will get you to some distance, but not city sized starships.

I was actually thinking of converting that to a more spelljammer like society. Basically the ships are large masted schooner like ships with a glass dome and da vinci like flying fins on their sides propelled by magic. As for Unity using this kind of analogue I am sure I can come up with something suitable to replace it using this idea.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The Minis Maniac wrote:
LazarX wrote:
You pretty much would have to get rid of Destiny and everything else that came from it. Clockwork will get you to some distance, but not city sized starships.
I was actually thinking of converting that to a more spelljammer like society. Basically the ships are large masted schooner like ships with a glass dome and da vinci like flying fins on their sides propelled by magic. As for Unity using this kind of analogue I am sure I can come up with something suitable to replace it using this idea.

At that point, your change is drastic enough that you might as well get rid of Numeria and start from scratch.

LazarX wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
LazarX wrote:
You pretty much would have to get rid of Destiny and everything else that came from it. Clockwork will get you to some distance, but not city sized starships.
I was actually thinking of converting that to a more spelljammer like society. Basically the ships are large masted schooner like ships with a glass dome and da vinci like flying fins on their sides propelled by magic. As for Unity using this kind of analogue I am sure I can come up with something suitable to replace it using this idea.
At that point, your change is drastic enough that you might as well get rid of Numeria and start from scratch.

Thanks for the suggestion but I much rather the conversion idea :)

I think I can change enough to make it more palatable to those who are more distasteful of sci fi in fantasy.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Or at least, palatable for you. After all, it's your campaign...your world to change.

If others can benefit from your work, more's the better! :D

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The Minis Maniac wrote:
LazarX wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
LazarX wrote:
You pretty much would have to get rid of Destiny and everything else that came from it. Clockwork will get you to some distance, but not city sized starships.
I was actually thinking of converting that to a more spelljammer like society. Basically the ships are large masted schooner like ships with a glass dome and da vinci like flying fins on their sides propelled by magic. As for Unity using this kind of analogue I am sure I can come up with something suitable to replace it using this idea.
At that point, your change is drastic enough that you might as well get rid of Numeria and start from scratch.

Thanks for the suggestion but I much rather the conversion idea :)

I think I can change enough to make it more palatable to those who are more distasteful of sci fi in fantasy.

Here's the problem, do you actually prefer clockwork done that badly to scifi? When you scale clockwork up beyond a certain point, it has nothing to ground it versimilitude wise. A golem, a wind up ogrgan, an amazingly wise clockwork owl? sure... but clockwork on the level of the Silver Mount? that's beyond stretching it.

While I am inclined to agree with LazarX on simply removing Numeria from the setting if I disliked Sci-fi, I will offer up another alternative

What if Destiny isn't a spaceship, but some sort of interplanar artifact/gate of immense power, that somehow got "unstuck" from its home dimension and fell to Golarion in Numeria?

Unity could be some sort of demigod bound within its angles, and instead of different habitats, the inside of the structure would be full of tiny demiplanes featuring denizens from the multiverse.

I'd probably link "Destiny" to Kytons, making the artifact some sort of immense hellraiser-style puzzle box. Given that Kytons do feature significantly in Iron Gods. And honestly, other than inevitables, Kytons feel like they would go well with Clockwork, if admittably nightmarish forms.

I don't know if you would find this useful, but I feel interplanar better captures Starmount/Numeria themes than simple clockwork/spelljammer stuff.

Dark Archive

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The Midgard campaign setting includes a planar city in a 'Plane of Gears' that is pretty much one giant clockwork. Having at least a portion of Axis be similar to this, a great clockwork district, gears turning thanks to a giant flanged gear being slowly turned by the planar river's current (a waterwheel on the river styx!), could be one way to add some larger-scale clockwork conceptions to the setting.

The fallen starmount in Numeria could then be a section of this gear-city that broke off (perhaps after the death of Aroden?, perhaps as a result of the corrosive effects of the Maelstrom fighting back the encroach of the city of law?, doesn't matter, no PC will ever know anyway...) and ended up 'falling' through the planar strata and 'crashing' into Golarion? Instead of a spaceship, it's a gear the size of a city, with dozens, if not hundreds, of buildings and structures built onto it, tilted 45 degrees and lodged deep into ground like a beyond-colossal shuriken. Any clockwork folk or clockwork technology comes from this location.

To keep it confined to one area, perhaps the clockwork stuff from this city can only be rewound / recharged in the city itself, so that the tech doesn't have much chance of functioning for long beyond a certain radius of the crashed gear-city (and therefore won't have much effect outside of Numeria, being limited to a few uses and then 'expensive paperweight').

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