AppleCat |
I finally bought my new RotR base set and character add-on deck.
Luckily, both are same second printing and they have matching size.
but now I notice that the color of backside is little bit different
from each other.
Base set's card = little bit more paler
Character Add-on deck = more intense color.
I can notice the differency on back and side.
I compared these cards with my SaS base set card, and it seems base set's cards are more close to the base color.
So can it happen that even same second printing having different color?
Does anyone have a same issue like me?

Nefrubyr |

I've also noticed a bit of colour variation between US printed cards. On the backs it's noticeable if I compare the cards side-by-side, but not so obvious as to give away what card is coming next during the game. The variation is more obvious on some of the card faces, where it doesn't matter as much.
My Chinese-printed RotR cards were fairly consistent in colour, except for two or three that had a noticeable green tinge on the back — far stronger than any variation I've seen on the US cards, but rare and fortunately not on any henchmen or villains.

Hawkmoon269 |

Thank u!
But actually, these sets are not printed by China.
These are from USStill it has same problem in color variation?
Oh. Well I missed that part of your post. Sorry.
Vic says somewhere in there that some color variation will always happen, as the differences in many factors can cause variation in coloring. And since your base set is printed possibly months before your adventure deck, they are printed under different conditions. No matter how much those conditions are controlled for, they can't be perfect matches. But the Chinese printing were pretty bad with variation in some cases.
Are you second printing so different that you can look at a card with no other cards next to it and say whether it is from the base set or from an adventure deck?
By the way, the same is true for lots of products. Ceramic tile for instance. That is why when you have ceramic tile installed the installer (or you if you are doing it yourself) should open all your boxes of tile and mix them up before they install them. Otherwise, there is a good chance that you will notice one part of your floor has a slightly different color than the other. But when they are mixed in, it becomes unnoticeable to most people.

WilliamD763 |
This is just my experience, but it is different from what most others are experiencing. For RotR, I was lucky and got all the same printing (first printing from China) and they didn't have a noticeable (to me at least) color issue.
But for S&S, deck 2 was noticeably lighter than the base set. I tried not to look for this, but once I knew it was there, it just jumped out at me when a lighter card came to the top of a location. Given that in most scenarios the villain and several of the henchmen are probably from the most recent deck (some other cards may also be from the most recent deck, but this is usually at random), it was too obvious when a possible villain/henchman showed up. My solution was to switch from clear backed sleeves to solid color backed sleeves.
My take is that you are more likely to get color variations with the Chinese editions, but it is possible to get them with any manufacturer.