Should we repeat Theodums call to arms?

Pathfinder Online

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

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I had a lot of fun this week with Theodums call to fight the bonedancers. The reason for the call was that it was an awkward escalation in an off-the-way hex that remained unchecked for too long.

The highlights for me were:
a) great roleplay in the roleplay thread
b) participation from various different groups
c) a way to mix with other groups

This makes it different to your normal pest control escalation fighting or recipe harvest that happens inside a settlement or an alliance.

Is there an interest to make this a regular occurence? We could nominate each week a hex that we target. People could meet up - fight together - have fun. I probably would move it away from Wednesday as this is my TT evening.

But I feel it would be a shame if this was just a one-off. It also might give non-affiliated players a chance to mix in with a group.

Having it regular also helps that people can plan.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If I can go, I will go.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

By the middle of next month I'll be able to commit to a regular schedule, and this sounds like fun. Count me in once work lets up a bit!

Scarab Sages

The Bonedancers haven't gone anywhere btw.

Goblin Squad Member

Let's up it and make the call to arms in order to protect the university. We now have 3 hexes with OGG over 75%

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

PFU Hoffman wrote:
Let's up it and make the call to arms in order to protect the university. We now have 3 hexes with OGG over 75%

I'm happy to take suggestions where to direct the call to. Could you PM me some details please.


Goblin Squad Member

3PM Sunday (3/8) the University is taking on Ogg as our published class. Sounds like Grip just volunteered to lead the call. :)

Goblin Squad Member

darrenhfx wrote:
The Bonedancers haven't gone anywhere btw.

The initial escalation that was acting as the origination point of all the others was knocked out. However that only prevents them from continuing to grow in strength and spread, it does not remove the already existing ones, but it's easier to take them down over a course of a few days as they no longer regain their strength.

That all said it's possible that the same escalation respawned in the source hex, not sure how that would interact with the other pre-existing ones from the last time it spread.

Goblin Squad Member

I would be happy to join in the fun and service of thinning out an escalation or two.

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