Chronicle sheet item and animal companion

Pathfinder Society

The Exchange 1/5

I received an item

red dragonhide full plate
on a chronicle sheet.

Question: Would it be able to fit a large tiger animal companion (or could it be made to fit)? I know it would fit any player character but not sure about the animal companion. Would it make a difference if I enchanted it to +1?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

What you're looking for is...


The item you received will not work.

See the equipment chapter in the CRB as to why.

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

On the plus side, you can just flat out buy that type of armor as barding once your fame is high enough to cover the purchase.

The Exchange 1/5

Thank you

@ Nefreet - Unfortunately, that makes sense

@ Jeff Merola - I believe there are specific PFS limitations on this item

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Jeff is correct.

It's simply not "always available".

A high enough Fame score alleviates that.

It's a common misconception.

Scarab Sages 3/5

As Jeff and Nefreet said. Dragonhide plate costs 3,300gp. Cost for barding on a large animal is 4x the cost of normal, so 13,200gp. According to the guide, you'd need fame 31 to afford that, which you should have around level five.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

It's slighlty less than that.

With Dragonhide, you figure out the cost of the masterwork armor first, *then* multiply by 2 to get the Dragonhide price.

1500 for Fullplate
6000 for Fullplate Barding
6150 for masterwork Fullplate Barding
12300 for Dragonhide Fullplate Barding.

(Unless your price was just a typo)

Scarab Sages 3/5

Ah, I see. Actually, I just looked up Dragon Plate in the PRD, saw it was 3300 and then multiplied by 4 for the large barding. But yours is the correct way, and cheaper to boot.

Dark Archive 3/5

Now, if it were mithral, would the mithral cost be added after or before multiplying?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Opinions on that have gone back and forth for quite some time. Same for Adamantine.

I believe you do as I outlined above with Dragonhide. Figure out the mundane version first, then apply special material costs.

So, a Mithral Shirt for your Imp Familiar costs the same +1000gp that Mithral Chain Shirt Barding does for a Horse.

Suspension of belief is required as well. Luckily you can't melt down and sell these items for profit in PFS ;-)

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