What is the CMD of someone who wants to be affected by a Combat Maneuver?

Homebrew and House Rules

Suppose I want to be affected by a combat maneuver and opt not to resist, what is my CMD? Take Steal for example. There isn’t (AFAIK) a rule for taking items from an unresisting teammate (healing potions come to mind), could one use Steal and auto-succeed against an unresisting ally? Adapting the Steal mechanic seems an elegant way to handle it.

Trip, Disarm, Sunder and Grapple seem unlikely to come up, but there may be some corner cases.

Bull Rush and Reposition are probably the best; they open up some interesting possibilities for moving teammates into advantageous positions.

Would you allow voluntary combat maneuvers? What I have in mind is not applying the target’s Base Attack Bonus, Strength, or Dexterity bonuses if they are not actively resisting.

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10 or automatic success for the same reason you don't need to do touch attacks to cast cure light wounds on your ally.

One my players like to use is player A has ride by attack and wants to ride by and pull player B onto his horse to get B out of a dangerous situation. I use CMB vs. 10 for this as Curad said.

I would say 10 + size bonus. Even if your friend isn't trying to resist you - or is actively trying to help you - it'd be a lot easier to throw a halfling around than an ogre.

I'd also reverse the AoO rules for the feats, so movement from the Greater Manoeuvre feats don't provoke an AoO for your friend, but without that, it does.

I like the AoO suggestion, it feels a bit cheeky that peculiar movement without feats doesn't provoke.

Schadenfreude wrote:

I would say 10 + size bonus. Even if your friend isn't trying to resist you - or is actively trying to help you - it'd be a lot easier to throw a halfling around than an ogre.

I'd also reverse the AoO rules for the feats, so movement from the Greater Manoeuvre feats don't provoke an AoO for your friend, but without that, it does.

Agreed. Unless you have a greater feat you will AOO for me also.

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