AP's for 5th edition

4th Edition

This may or may not be appropriate here. If not please forgive and I'll move on. I've recently moved and found a new group. We are interested in giving 5th edition a shot. I'll be DMing. I;ve been consistently impressed with the quality of the Paize AP's and have chosen to run my game in Golarion so I was thinking about running an AP to kind of get our feet wet. I don't mind the conversion work.

Recommend to me an adventure path in the context of converting it to 5th edition. Thus far I'm considering:

Rise of the Runelords
Legacy of Fire
Mummy's Mask
Curse of the Crimson Throne
Council of Thieves (Try it as an urban sandbox maybe?)

Anything else I should consider?

Thanks for your consideration.

i know a few people have been converting Iron Gods to 5th edition, don't know if thats one you might be interested in (it is actually one of the best APs)

otherwise since you're converting any one you choose anyway why not go with the best: Curse of the Crimson Throne (i haven't actually read very much thru it, but so far you'll find more people saying its the best then any other AP)

Legacy of Fire might also be fun,

have fun whatever the decision:-)

The Exchange

I did a "quick and dirty" conversion of Runelords book 1 to fifth ed using the monster manual and the free online supplements . Took me an hour to come up with things I felt would work. Didn't create a single PC character for it either. Just used pregen things in the online supplements for most.

Given more time I'd whip up PC type characters for major baddies though.

Runelords is fairly typical fantasy trope, so converting it to 5th ed is easy.

Sovereign Court

Statistic blocks are the toughest piece to switch over. I think that finding ways to fiddle with monsters that don't conform is the trick. Those monsters with class levels and what have you. I bet that whipping up class templates that work in 5th edition might do the job.

I intend to run a Giantslayer under 5E's engine in the near future. Nothing I've seen has led me to believe that there will be a lot of need for creature alterations (apart from number appearing, perhaps). The fact that Giantslayer offers up a lot of classic creatures helps a lot in that regard. The biggest change looks like it will be in the magic item allotment. A lot of filler gear is likely going to disappear or become mundane stuff, while the artifact heavy offerings—I think—will translate over nicely to 5E.

I'll have to work on incorporating the background traits into new backgrounds, but other than that I don't foresee too much legwork in the converting.

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Just remember when you are doing the conversion work, that 5th Ed does not have, nor need, the Christmas Tree effect for owning magic items. It is perfectly reasonable to run from level 1-20 and only acquire 4-6 permanent magic items and still have fights be survivable and winnable. +3 is also the max on weapons and armor/shields and very few creatures need the kinds of things that 3.x/PRPG require to defeat them.

If you do not want to convert, just wait til April and pick up the mega-adventure Princes of the Apocalypse. It covers levels 1-15 and will have more PC options. I personally would not start with the Tyranny of Dragons modules, as I have heard they can be rather inconsistent in content and flow and were written and/or published before all three core books were released.

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Our group just finished Tyranny of Dragons. It did have a lot of errors, but nothing that was difficult to figure out. There's also a ton of errata and suggestions online if you do get stuck.

I agree with your comment that it is a bit inconsistent, but despite that it was a really fun adventure and I do recommend giving it a try if you haven't already.

I just finished reading Princes of the Apocalypse, which I'm running next and it looks more polished, but in some ways I find it lacking.

Minor spoiler alert:
It's basically one huge connected megadungeon that the party has to explore. While parts of it are very cool and well designed my GM instincts tell me it may drag a bit in spots. Without the sidequests (of which there are quite a few) it would honestly just be a big old fashioned dungeon crawl. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I personally like to see more variety in my adventures.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

We're doing RotRL in 5th Ed., and our DM says the conversion is super easy. We're 8th level and near the end of the 4th chapter, where we should be 10th or 11th in PF rules.

It's been real fun, too. :-D

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