tumbler |

Running a dark lands campaign where I have a bunch of orc shock troops at the front of a drow invasion force. Looking at putting a few gortheks from the monster codex in there as siege weapons. It is a new monster, so there are no minis representing it.
It's body seems to resemble a lion in shape and mane, then bull horns and rhino skin. My initial thought is to buy a toob of lions and other cats, put manes and horns on them, and painting them up. They also have a sort of bull like muscle hump at the nape of the neck and a broader body than a cat. Maybe I can figure that out.
Anyone have any other ideas for a base model?

Alex Smith 908 |

There aren't that many perfect representations of it, but the reek from the Star Wars minis probably comes close. Here's a link to prepainted version from the Universe set.