Form-fillable PACG reporting sheet

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

Anyone have a form-fillable reporting sheet for PACG? Got a big con coming up and having a bunch of pre-made sheets would be super helpful.

Hmmm...Do you mean the chronicle sheet for the player or a reporting sheet for the organizer?

The chronicle sheet for the player it wouldn't seem very helpful to have anything premade. You'd only be able to pre-fill the scenario name, and then it would only be useful for players starting a new character, if they had a previous character they would continue using their previous chronicle sheet.

But if you are looking for something to help you collect the data you need as the organizer, there is something Joshua North put together in this thread.

Silver Crusade 3/5

As I've ran 40 ACG tables now, I think I'll go through and take a second look at that reporting sheet I put together way back when and make some touch ups.

Matt, I'll try and get it into a printable format with multiple sheets on one page to help save paper. I'll let you know once I'm done.

Silver Crusade 3/5

Ok, I just updated my original form. It closely resembles the reporting page on, it's printable and I got it down to 3 tables per page. I printed a copy to see how it looks and it looks like you should have enough room to write whatever information you need.

Please let me know if there's any other features you'd like to see on this sheet.

Google Spreadsheet PFSACG Reporting Sheet

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

"Official" ones can be found: HERE

Scroll down and look for:

Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild
Session Sheets — (24 kb zip/PDF)

Silver Crusade 3/5

Fair enough. I'm just used to making my own sheets. Thanks for pointing out the official one.

I thought the OP was asking for something he could fill in electronically. Though perhaps I was wrong.

Grand Lodge

I think he was. So that he could fill in some sheets and pre-print with event(s), table, dates, etc.

Silver Crusade 3/5

I haven't played around with form-fillable PDFs before. Sounds like a fun challenge to me.

Matt, did you like the format of the google sheets form that I created or is there something that you would like changed?

Grand Lodge

Form-fillable PDFs are great for certain things but since there aren't too many spaces I'd fill out beforehand, I never created any reporting sheets.

If you have access to Adobe Acrobat, you could simply turn it into a form.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

Thanks everyone for the comments. Joshua, your sheets are fine, but the document that CanisDirus pointed to I was able to create forms using Adobe Acrobat. For some reason, the version of that doc I had was watermarked and protected and I couldn't find the download location again.

Thanks again everyone!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

I only put "official" since they're the ones Paizo made - unlike chronicle sheets, we can use anything we want (even scrap paper) to do reporting... but I suspect these are the ones we'll see at conventions and such (and will be familiar to folks from the RPG side of things heh).

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