Looking for Weeknight PF Group - Seattle

Gamer Connection

Looking to find a Pathfinder group! Well-versed in the system, with a distinct "non-power gamer" bent in my style. I have a love of psionics and would really love someone who'd be fine with me using the material from Dreamscarred Press' monster "Ultimate Psionics" book (subject to GM inspection beforehand, of course!), but if you're not down with psionics, that's fine, I'm very good with the existing classes in the Core Rulebook.

I have one friend who would likely be interested in joining as well. He's in his 30s, I'm 41, we're both stable, professional, non-smokers, no "stereotypical" gamer hygiene issues, experienced gamers who are looking for a comfortable, regular, reliable weekly game in the Seattle area after work hours. Not looking for marathon sessions, prefer 3-4 hour sessions once a week. We have our rulebooks, our own minis, and otherwise would be a relatively low impact on your home.

Would greatly prefer the north Seattle area, but areas closer to the center of town would work as well. South Seattle is not preferable. Optimally, very transit-friendly, as I don't own a vehicle.

If you've got a game looking for 1-2 more players, shoot me a private message, and let's see if we can get things working!

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