Caliban_ |
I was having trouble determining how many 0th level spells and 1st level spells I have along with which spells are considered 1st level
As an arcanist, you have two basic spell lists - the number of spells in your spell book, and the number of spells you have prepared and available to cast.
The list of spells in your spell book is going to be much longer than the number you can actually prepare and cast.
Your starting spellbook has all the cantrips, plus 3 first level spells, plus additional 1st level spells equal to your Int modifier.
So lets say you have an Arcanist with an 18 Intelligence (+4 modifier) at 1st level, their spellbook will have all 0-level spells (cantrips), plus 7 of the 1st level spells from their class list.
They can prepare 4 of those 0 level spells and 2 of the first level spells.
They can cast any of the prepared cantrips an unlimited number of times, plus they can cast their two prepared 1st levels spells a total of 3 times in any combination (2 from the "spells per day" table, +1 more casting from their 18 int).
The arcanist may also have exploits that mimic spells or spell-like abilities, but they are tracked separately.
An Arcanist uses the Sorcerer/Wizard spell list, so any spell that say it is "Sorcerer/Wizard 1" is a 1st level Arcanist spell.

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Thanks for replying, Caliban_, I was having a difficult time trying to figure out how to build an Arcanist. Also for the first level Arcanist spells, are the spells listed under Arcanist Exploits, listed in the Advanced core rulebook first-level spells? Spells such as Acid Jet/ Consume magic Items and Arcane Barrier.

Weltrath |

Also for the first level Arcanist spells, are the spells listed under Arcanist Exploits, listed in the Advanced core rulebook first-level spells? Spells such as Acid Jet/ Consume magic Items and Arcane Barrier.
Your level 0 through 9 spells for the Arcanist are Arcane spells. They're found in multiple books (Core Rulebook, Ultimate this and that, Advanced this and that? and they're all listed as Wizard/Sorcerer spells. Those are the game's Arcane spells.
Exploits are exploits. Spells are spells. You have a lot of spells to choose from that you can know and that you can cast.