No organised middle day slots - Does anyone care?

PaizoCon General Discussion

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Shadow Lodge

The con organisers have decided not to offer PFS (or any other supplement to the lottery games) in the middle (afternoon) slot at Paizocon.

This means that, in the middle of the con every day, unless we luck out and manage to snag a lottery game, we get to roam around and hope to find a pickup RP game (with all the attendant problems).

There are some vocal people who are for it, citing an ability to now be free to do other things at the con, despite always having that option, before, by no scheduling themselves in that slot.

Are my wife and I (and the person who PM'd me) the only ones who have a problem with that being sprung on us? The only ones that think that there should be some RP opportunities organised by the con, especially after they have sold the tickets?

These are genuine, non-rhetorical questions.

There are many attendees, if we really are the only ones who think this is wrong, we'll just quiet down.

Well, I know myself and my spouse are quite pleased at the announcement - we've often been very stressed wrapping up games we're running or having to skip out on the end of games to go set up for our next event. And there should be *plenty* to do, and plenty RPG to do, during the afternoons. Plenty of time to acquire goblin brains. Not to mention the ultimate role-play - meeting all the other fans!

If you'd like to organize for the afternoon slot, unofficially, you could use the Pre-Con warhorn site: LINK

Shadow Lodge

Thanks for the reply, Majuba. We are aware of the other activities and have partaken in the past, by choosing to skip an rp slot. That is the choice that everyone had before.

The organisers are apparently choosing to shirk responsibility and trying to sell it as a new benefit, when people had this option before.
This is not in keeping with our previous experience of the organisers, which makes it more baffling.

Majuba, thanks for the link. It should not be necessary for us to do this, though - the organisers of an RP con should have more consideration for attendees, especially after selling tickets.

I have to agree with you, Wac, this is a strange way to do this. It seems odd to add additional days to the con only to strip slots out in the middle. We've ended up with about the same number of gaming slots as there were before the con was extended to 4 days.

I'm not inclined to attribute it to laziness or a desire to shirk responsibility, but I'm not sure exactly what's behind it. It could be that the vendors do better if folks have more free time, but that doesn't seem like enough motivation to do this. I'm guessing the organizers really felt this would be a benefit, but I don't agree at all.

I hope they're concentrating the lottery games in the open slots, because otherwise there's going to be a lot of competition for those games.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Since I mostly GM PFS in our area, when I go to PaizoCon or other cons I lke to play it. I do not have a problem with the empty slots wherever they are. I will spend that time playing card games, hanging out with friends, going to an open seminar, or maybe run/play in a pick up game - who knows?

What I can assure you is that I will not take a spot in the lottery. I suspect I am not the only one of this opinion. Hopefully, there's as many of us as there are of people who must have a game scheduled.

Give it a chance.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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wac wrote:
The con organisers have decided not to offer PFS (or any other supplement to the lottery games) in the middle (afternoon) slot at Paizocon.

I would suggest waiting for the event schedule to be completed and released before determining that we will not have anything scheduled during these times that isn't a lottery event. Historically we've had a variety seminars which are not in the lottery due to the larger room size and I am well aware that having an open PFS slot means that there will be a significant number of gamers looking for things to do during that timeframe.

Paizo Glitterati Robot

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wac wrote:
The organisers are apparently choosing to shirk responsibility and trying to sell it as a new benefit, when people had this option before.

This isn't the case for why the schedule was adjusted. This change is based on feedback received from previous years, our new status as a 4-day convention, and a variety of other factors. The employees that work to organize PaizoCon/PFS events and our volunteers put in a lot of effort to make the show a success, and "shirking responsibility" isn't something these people do (they're pretty excellent!).

If it turns out that this schedule *doesn't* work out, then it may be revisited for future shows, but I'd really suggest waiting for our final event schedule to be posted.

I feel I should have added some important caveats to my comments: I feel that all you Paizoans are awesome, that PaizoCon is a fantastic time every year for me and my son and that the staff strives to make it as good as it can possibly be.

With those points made, I'll wait (though with impatience, or at least some serious eagerness) for the real schedule and look forward to seeing what this year holds.

Shadow Lodge

Sara Marie wrote:
wac wrote:
The con organisers have decided not to offer PFS (or any other supplement to the lottery games) in the middle (afternoon) slot at Paizocon.
I would suggest waiting for the event schedule to be completed and released before determining that we will not have anything scheduled during these times that isn't a lottery event. Historically we've had a variety seminars which are not in the lottery due to the larger room size and I am well aware that having an open PFS slot means that there will be a significant number of gamers looking for things to do during that timeframe.

Thanks for the post.

1) I am referring specifically to non-lottery _RP_, which you have said will not be organized in these slots.

2 . The feedback, as presented, was "After last year's show, we heard many of you say that while you love PFS, you want to experience more of the convention."
Stripping dozens of tables from the middle of each day doesn't give those people more time, they always had this option by not scheduling themselves in the slot.

The only effect is to remove the backup RP option (presented by the convention) from all the people who are want to (and have reason to expect that they would get to) RP in the middle of the con day.

If the reason, as presented, is the real reason for dropping all these tables, then the only effect has been a negative one (It's not even my opinion, it's objective mathematical fact - if that is the reason)

It's not an objective negative for the 50 GMs running that slot, or the 350 players and GMs getting kicked off their table 30 minutes early so the next slot can muster.

RP is not just tables of games grinding by. For PaizoCon, the seminars, QAs, social activities, and other events are a huge part of the experience. We might even get something like the celebrity game that was suggested filling that slot, when everyone can attend.

Let's see it happen, then decide how good or bad we each find it to be.

Shadow Lodge

I apologize for use of an ambiguous term, by "the organizers of the con" I mean the organization which is presenting the con.

As I have written a couple of times, just on this subject, I have never found the people to be ones who are lazy or disinterest. In the majority of cases, quite the opposite.

This is part of why it is baffling that the organization would do this.

Taking this as a personal attack has muddied the waters though, Nobody is going to speak up, as nobody (including my wife and I) means that or wants to possibly be seen to mean that.

Given how full the tables always are, I suspect that many people would protest, if they knew. I fully admit that we might be amongst only a few, though. This is what I was trying to determine.

Shadow Lodge

(This also does not have anything to do with 'celebrity' games. I have never signed up for one of those because it was being run by a 'celeb')

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

wac wrote:

Thanks for the post.
1) I am referring specifically to non-lottery _RP_, which you have said will not be organized in these slots.

PFS is not the only non-lottery roleplaying that happens at PaizoCon.

Sovereign Court PaizoCon Founder, Wayfinder Editor-in-Chief

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wac, I am trying to understand where you are coming from on this, but I am at a loss. To me, you seem to be saying that if Paizo does not provide you with 12 hours of continuous PFS gaming each day, then they are lazy, and depriving you of an enjoyable experience. Really?

Let me share my experience of PaizoCon with you. PaizoCon was started because a group of Paizo fans from around the world wanted to actually get together somewhere to meet and play games together. As it so happened, Paizo folks thought that was a neat idea, and accepted our invitation to join us for a day of seminars, gaming, food, and conversation. Paizo liked the day so much, they decided to run an annual event themselves, and they have improved and expanded PaizoCon to levels that we at that first PaizoCon could only have dreamed about.

That is what PaizoCon was founded on....meeting fellow fans, meeting online friends for the first time, playing games together, social networking with Paizo peeps and other publishers, sitting in on seminars, and having a great time.

When PFS was started up and introduced into the mix of PaizoCon, it presented a very easy way to drop into games with fellow fans if playing your chances with the lottery didn't pan out (which by the way, the lottery gives you the excellent experience of playing in a game run by a Paizo staff member...something I can personally tell you is always amazing!). As PFS has grown, so has the attendance of PaizoCon. Now, PFS is indeed running the most tables at the Con (that's what it does!), but you are doing a vast disservice to the convention as a whole, and to yourself, if that is all that PaizoCon means to you.

With so many new people coming into the Pathfinder games, I think it is good to have that free afternoon block of time to step out of the PFS hall, and see more of what PaizoCon has to offer you....I think that you'll be surprised at just how much stuff you've been missing.

When you talk to people who have attended PaizoCons past, you might hear the story of their time in the PFS Specials, sure. I mean, those are AWESOME. But, I think you are most likely to instead hear stories of how they sat and had a beer with Erik Mona (but more likely Jason Bulmahn! He can drink a LOT of beer!), or got to listen to Lisa tell her industry tales, or how they had Frank Mentzer sign their Red Box, or shook hands with Monte Cook, or that CRAZY game of Cards Against Humanity (or Kobolds Ate My Baby, or Werewolf, or etc. etc.) that they fell into at 1 AM in the bar.

Frankly, PaizoCon is an opportunity to become part of the Paizo Community in a very real, and very personal way. So, don't look at this sudden lack of PFS games in the middle of the day as a punishment...see it as an opportunity.

That's all I've got....I'm looking forward to seeing EVERYONE at the con this year.

Timitius wrote:
...or that CRAZY game of Cards Against Humanity (or Kobolds Ate My Baby, or Werewolf, or etc. etc.) that they fell into at 1 AM in the bar.

I think I remember these. Vaguely.

...There was a lot of beer and rum involved.

Timitius wrote:
wac, I am trying to understand where you are coming from on this, but I am at a loss. To me, you seem to be saying that if Paizo does not provide you with 12 hours of continuous PFS gaming each day, then they are lazy, and depriving you of an enjoyable experience. Really?

I appreciate, that you are trying to understand.

You are right, you are not understanding wac's point. I see it simply as this.

Before: We all had the freedom to choose, for each slot, what we wanted to do (whether this was gaming PFS, or other RPGs or just hanging out or playing card games or any of the other things you mentioned - which are all part of a great con and which I've partaken in over the years)

Now: Every afternoon, for four days, we no longer have the same freedom (that long list of choices from before, has been shortened to no longer include a guaranteed rpg opportunity).

It is possible that I am misinformed, and that the convention afternoon slots will have more choices than they did before. However, based on the current info available, the only RPG choices during those slots will be either organised by attendees themselves (via warhorn or impromptu at the con) or lottery games, and it seems unlikely that these will provide the same number of seats that used to be available in that same slot in the last three years I've attended the convention.

PaizoCon has the prerogative to change things up, and this has surely been happening over the years as it has grown.

What I find disappointing, however, is that this latest change was not advertised, AND it is being presented as increasing my list choices (which the above contradicts).

Shadow Lodge

Timitius wrote:

To me, you seem to be saying that if Paizo does not provide you with 12 hours of continuous PFS gaming each day, then they are lazy, and depriving you of an enjoyable experience. Really?

That polarises this even more than it already is. Laziness is a reason that one might shirk responsibility, but not the only one, and not one that I accused anyone of.

Thanks for trying to understand it, but no, that summary is not what I mean.

+1 everything in Destruc-TOR's post (including playing all sorts of non-PFS games and having friends that I only get to see at PaizoCon and talk to until the early hours each night). Especially that last sentence.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Destruc-TOR wrote:
What I find disappointing, however, is that this latest change was not advertised,

When should they advertise it if not the initial announcement?

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Destruc-TOR wrote:
What I find disappointing, however, is that this latest change was not advertised,
When should they advertise it if not the initial announcement?

But it wasn't in the initial announcement. It was only in the thread calling for volunteers - which went up after that.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Destruc-TOR wrote:
But it wasn't in the initial announcement.

Has there been any other announcements related to PFS during PaizoCon?

Shadow Lodge

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Destruc-TOR wrote:
But it wasn't in the initial announcement.

Has there been any other announcements related to PFS during PaizoCon?

The initial Paizocon "ticket sales are open" announcement. Not the PFS announcement.

"We're cutting 150(?) RP seats every day, in the middle of each of those days, with no plan to replace them" is the kind of thing that should, at the very least, have been stated up front.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I fail to see why such a thing needs to be said when the number of PFS tables is unchanged from last year. Or why something specific to PFS needs to be brought up at the initial PaizoCon announcement, possibly before it is even finalized.

The window to refund tickets isn't even closed yet.

Shadow Lodge

Sara Marie wrote:
wac wrote:

Thanks for the post.
1) I am referring specifically to non-lottery _RP_, which you have said will not be organized in these slots.

PFS is not the only non-lottery roleplaying that happens at PaizoCon.

And those fill up, as do the PFS ones. With 150(?) seats cut each slot, are you saying that you have some information that there will be a similar number of RP seats added in some other way, over and above what there usually is?

I had understood that you were saying there were no plans to add back a similar number of RP seats over and above the third party seats. Is that incorrect?

The Exchange

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I fail to see why such a thing needs to be said when the number of PFS tables is unchanged from last year. Or why something specific to PFS needs to be brought up at the initial PaizoCon announcement, possibly before it is even finalized.

I dunno, TOZ. I see wac's point.

I mean it does say:

Under the Pathfinder Society:

PaizoCon 2015 wrote:
PaizoCon features a full slate of Pathfinder RPG and Pathfinder Adventure Card Game organized play events. Join gamers from all over as they work together to survive the challenges of our ongoing organized play campagins!

I guess you could argue that a "full slate" only relates to what scenarios are available. But's hard to see a "full slate" when the afternoon slots are cut. Thus, I don't think wac is out of line by wondering why this wasn't made clear up front.

In addition, I don't think it's wrong that the community might that that another day would equal more slots of PFS. It's not unreasonable to think that. It's a messaging fail. Again, you could argue otherwise, but 'full slate'.

That said, it isn't a big deal. We, as a PFS community, will self-schedule some games after the full schedule is released. We'll work it out.

After the full schedule is out, we'll see if we can set aside some tables for warhorn scheduling and play.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Painlord wrote:
I dunno, TOZ. I see wac's point.

As do I. But I've discussed it enough in the blog discussion that I think we're just treading over the same ground again. So I will wait for the final schedule to be posted and see if it changes my mind about the merit of his complaint.

Sovereign Court

I've only played PFS once and am looking forward to playing the card game...are there chances that coming down for my first con, I wont actually get to play?

Shadow Lodge

Cardinal_Malik wrote:
I've only played PFS once and am looking forward to playing the card game...are there chances that coming down for my first con, I wont actually get to play?

I wouldn't worry about getting to RP in the morning and evening slots Cardinal_Malik.

And, I would imagine from before, that you should be able to play the card game whenever (A lot of fun, by the way, just not what we go to the con for)

The only time that you might have a problem getting an RP game (with the plan as currently presented) is in the afternoon slots.
The community may or may not add back the total number of seats that are being dropped by the organisers. If so, and if they appear on the Paizo site or the warhorn site (Majuba's post above) you should be able to find an RP game in those slots.

Depending on that, there may be more demand for card gaming in the afternoon slots, so again, you might / might not have a problem in those afternoon slots. It's much easier to get a pickup game of the cardgame arranged though.

I wouldn't let our criticism of this poorly backed-up decision influence you not to go. It is the event that my wife and I plan our year around.

Shadow Lodge

Cardinal_Malik (or any other first timer),
as others have said, unless you're really in love with PFS, you do yourself a disservice by not trying to get into some of the other RP tables (lottery or not).

There are all sorts of flavours to try and all sorts of phenomenal GMs, players, stories and systems. PFS is our safety-net (except for one session with a particular GM if we can swing it).

Also, there's always the possibility of accosting Mike Selinker in a hallway, to tell him how much you enjoy the card game (As my wife did last year) :)

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Can we please wait until after we have our full event schedule released before continuing this conversation? All that is announced right now is enough information for volunteers to be able to sign up to help Mike Brock and I'd really appreciate if everyone could take a step back, breathe and let us have a chance to put together an amazing event for our community. I am more than happy to take constructive ideas for the schedule, but I'd like to avoid a pile-on and unnecessary forum drama over an event schedule that has not even been written yet.

Shadow Lodge

Sara Marie wrote:
Can we please wait until after we have our full event schedule released before continuing this conversation? All that is announced right now is enough information for volunteers

It has also been announced that there are no plans to replace these cut RP seats (which are always in demand) with any other RP seats. Which means that enough is known about the schedule to raise this concern.

Once the schedule is set, there will no longer be the time.

The intention of the thread was subverted. We have no desire to create a pile-on.

Destruc-TOR's first post fairly neatly summed up the situation and _especially_ why the (illogical) reason presented aggravates it. That's where some of the "drama" is coming from.

As you have asked: My idea for the schedule is to reverse the decision to cut these RP seats. It continues to allow everyone to choose what parts of the con they want to enjoy, when they want to.
(I would suggest something other than PFS but this is the only thing (that I am aware of) that could reliably generate the number of volunteers necessary).

This thread can't do what it was supposed to do any longer. And I don't seem to be able to use it to adequately explain why being abandoned is a problem for some of us and doesn't provide the benefit stated. So, as you've asked, I'm not going to post in it any more.

Hopefully, sans a plan, somehow, that many additional people will step forward and fill in.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

wac wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
Can we please wait until after we have our full event schedule released before continuing this conversation? All that is announced right now is enough information for volunteers

It has also been announced that there are no plans to replace these cut RP seats (which are always in demand) with any other RP seats. Which means that enough is known about the schedule to raise this concern.

Wac, I am the person that schedules events, seminars, workshops, games, etc, for PaizoCon for everything except the Organized Play which is coordinated by Mike Brock and the Card Game team. I have made no announcements or promises regarding specifics of what will or will not be on the schedule.

Concerns regarding the open PFS time slot have been noted and I am fully aware of how many people will be looking for things to do during this time.
wac wrote:
And I don't seem to be able to use it to adequately explain why being abandoned is a problem for some of us

No one is being abandoned. The slots will not be unscheduled times with no options for things to do, there will be seminars, workshops, and games scheduled, just no Organized Play games being run by Paizo.

Silver Crusade

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wac wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Destruc-TOR wrote:
But it wasn't in the initial announcement.

Has there been any other announcements related to PFS during PaizoCon?

The initial Paizocon "ticket sales are open" announcement. Not the PFS announcement.

"We're cutting 150(?) RP seats every day, in the middle of each of those days, with no plan to replace them" is the kind of thing that should, at the very least, have been stated up front.

I don't see they are cutting any slots. The same number of tables being offered as the past three years, the only difference is this year they added a day and spread those same slots out to cover the extra day. which gives some of us old folks a nap time now. Maybe its more appropriate to say they are missing out on more opportunities for organized play. To answer the original question, Does anyone care? No. Your gonna have fun, your gonna meet strange and new people, it will still be a blast even if the wife and I more than likely can't make it this year. Which I know a lot of you will be sad, I know.

Dark Archive

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I'm actually happy this is the case. Every year I find myself choosing between PFS and a Seminar/Workshop/Talk I really want to go to (Diversity in Gaming always seems to fall during the special =/). I also find I never get to go enjoy games that aren't PFS or lottery. Building a "Break from PFS" slot actually helps me, especially knowing I'll still get the same number of PFS slots overall I got from PaizoCon when it was 3 days.

If people really want to cram more PFS in, why not organize games independent of the formal, Paizo-Run PFS slots? We've done it for years on Thursdays for early-arrivers and Mondays for people staying in Seattle longer. Not to mention the dozens of quick pick up games, midnight madness rounds, etc.

I'm sure the Warhorn used for PFS games outside of the standard Con slots can be easily utilized to this end.

Grand Lodge

bdk86 wrote:

I'm actually happy this is the case. Every year I find myself choosing between PFS and a Seminar/Workshop/Talk I really want to go to (Diversity in Gaming always seems to fall during the special =/). I also find I never get to go enjoy games that aren't PFS or lottery. Building a "Break from PFS" slot actually helps me, especially knowing I'll still get the same number of PFS slots overall I got from PaizoCon when it was 3 days.

If people really want to cram more PFS in, why not organize games independent of the formal, Paizo-Run PFS slots? We've done it for years on Thursdays for early-arrivers and Mondays for people staying in Seattle longer. Not to mention the dozens of quick pick up games, midnight madness rounds, etc.

I'm sure the Warhorn used for PFS games outside of the standard Con slots can be easily utilized to this end.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa...... Midnight runs? ARE YOU CRAZY? I would love to see, or even play these games. As for the workshops, I would like to attend them without missing any PFS stuff, so the extra time in the afternoon would be greatly appreciated. (Who needs sleep?)

Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Superscriber

At midnight... I hope to be asleep. :)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I think midnight madness was in the room next to me last time. :)

Dark Archive

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Auriea wrote:
bdk86 wrote:

I'm actually happy this is the case. Every year I find myself choosing between PFS and a Seminar/Workshop/Talk I really want to go to (Diversity in Gaming always seems to fall during the special =/). I also find I never get to go enjoy games that aren't PFS or lottery. Building a "Break from PFS" slot actually helps me, especially knowing I'll still get the same number of PFS slots overall I got from PaizoCon when it was 3 days.

If people really want to cram more PFS in, why not organize games independent of the formal, Paizo-Run PFS slots? We've done it for years on Thursdays for early-arrivers and Mondays for people staying in Seattle longer. Not to mention the dozens of quick pick up games, midnight madness rounds, etc.

I'm sure the Warhorn used for PFS games outside of the standard Con slots can be easily utilized to this end.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa...... Midnight runs? ARE YOU CRAZY? I would love to see, or even play these games. As for the workshops, I would like to attend them without missing any PFS stuff, so the extra time in the afternoon would be greatly appreciated. (Who needs sleep?)

Midnight Madness is a time honored Organized Play tradition.

There is a great story in my playing a midnight game hungover/on 6 hours sleep for the whole con thus far from 2013 that basically involves me laying on the floor and throwing dice down onto the room's bed when it was my turn =D

Midnight Madness... Is madness... Ruins good ppl for all the morning slots, when I like to run....

Sovereign Court

I absolutely care. As someone spending $100 for a badge, $400 for a flight, and $500 for a hotel room...I expect to game at my gaming convention. I also expect to not need to volunteer my time after said $1,000 expenditure so some of the other people who have paid to attend have options to play.

I wouldn't have purchased the badge had they announced this from the start. I can get this amount of PFS at any local convention without the serious investment.

What it also said to me was the following (at the risk of ruffling a few feathers):

#1) Limiting gaming slots increases likelihood of foot traffic through the Paizo store. Unsurprisingly this was even listed as a "thing to do" during this time.

#2) Puts the onus on the players who came to game to self muster for 1/3rd of the convention AND we don't have to even reimburse those willing to donate time to our charged event.

#3) As someone who has organized multiple conventions, getting breaks for the convention organizers / volunteers off time is always an issue. Now those people can get a fair amount of time off daily.

Sovereign Court

Eh, I should have read the whole thread before replying. I will wait until the final schedule is released before I continue down this path.

Scarab Sages

Auriea wrote:
Whoa whoa whoa whoa...... Midnight runs? ARE YOU CRAZY? I would love to see, or even play these games. As for the workshops, I would like to attend them without missing any PFS stuff, so the extra time in the afternoon would be greatly appreciated. (Who needs sleep?)

Last year, I played the Card game the final night of the con, and we burned through the night, right up until my next slotted game. Don't know that I could do this more than twice during the con though.

Shadow Lodge

Sara Marie wrote:
wac wrote:
It has also been announced that there are no plans to replace these cut RP seats (which are always in demand) with any other RP seats. Which means that enough is known about the schedule to raise this concern.

Wac, I am the person that schedules events, seminars, workshops, games, etc, for PaizoCon for everything except the Organized Play which is coordinated by Mike Brock and the Card Game team. I have made no announcements or promises regarding specifics of what will or will not be on the schedule.

Concerns regarding the open PFS time slot have been noted and I am fully aware of how many people will be looking for things to do during this time.

Sara, you posted "The afternoon slot each day will be left open .... we will not be officially scheduling GMs for those slots."

Sara Marie wrote:
wac wrote:
And I don't seem to be able to use it to adequately explain why being abandoned is a problem for some of us
No one is being abandoned. The slots will not be unscheduled times with no options for things to do, there will be seminars, workshops, and games scheduled, just no Organized Play games being run by Paizo.

As I wrote a few times, I am not overly concerned that it is Organised Play but I am concerned that

1) Paizo has made no plans (quote above) to 'organise' _role playing_ seats of a similar number to those that Paizo chose to cut.
(Historically there has been enough demand for _role playing_ seats that these have filled up)

2) These were cut from the _middle_ of the day, _every_ day

3) It is presented as something that provides more choice to attendees, whereas it actually removes choice.

(I would have been happy to take this out of the public realm so that some understanding of the issue might be reached, but there does not appear to be that option)

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I certainly don't want to step on anyone's toes by pointing this out, but if you were to download the PaizoCon 2015 Event Submission Form you'd see the afternoon slots for all four days listed there as times during which submitted events could be run. To say that Paizo has made no plans to organize role playing during those slots is grossly unfair; they're doing exactly that. The only thing they're not doing is lining up their own GMs and scheduling their own Pathfinder Society Organized Play scenarios during those slots. There's nothing to prevent other individuals or groups from submitting role playing events for those afternoon slots, PFS or otherwise, and I would assume that is exactly what will happen. Just because Paizo isn't organizing PFS scenarios with their volunteer GMs during those slots doesn't mean there won't be organized role playing on the schedule in those slots.

Sovereign Court PaizoCon Founder, Wayfinder Editor-in-Chief

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wac wrote:

As I wrote a few times, I am not overly concerned that it is Organised Play but I am concerned that

1) Paizo has made no plans (quote above) to 'organise' _role playing_ seats of a similar number to those that Paizo chose to cut.
(Historically there has been enough demand for _role playing_ seats that these have filled up)

2) These were cut from the _middle_ of the day, _every_ day

3) It is presented as something that provides more choice to attendees, whereas it actually removes choice.

(I would have been happy to take this out of the public realm so that some understanding of the issue might be reached, but there does not appear to be that option)

1. You are highly impatient. Paizo has said over and over that the schedule of events is being made, and they WILL fill it with plenty of options...just not official PFS slots run by them. Your repeated response is just on the edge of calling them liars. (I know you will say that's not what you're saying at all, but man, that's how it's being perceived). You need to wait for the schedule.

2. Paizo has reiterated time and time again that PaizoCon 2015 offers the EXACT SAME amount of PFS slots as PaizoCon 2014. The only difference here is that it's spread over 4 days instead of 3 days. So, no one is getting cheated here. This does open up a period of time every day for those people who have, in past PaizoCons, continually missed the special seminars, demos, special game sessions OTHER THAN PFS, a lunch with friends they only see once a year, etc. because lots of people asked for it. We all get it, wac, you did not ask for it.

3. See #1 and #2. There will be LOTS of Choices. Perhaps not the choices you wanted, but enough choices that plenty of people do want.

I think I get it. You want THE OPTION to game in the afternoon. Every. Single. Day. And you can, be it PFS or one shots, or even another RPG you've never tried before. Because there will be lots of people who want to as well. And Paizo will likely provide the free tables for that group of you who want to do this. I don't think you realize the SIZE of this hotel, and the amount of space available to have the tables for people to set up a game at.

I think I also are paying good money, you want full-service! You want Paizo to arrange everything for you so you don't have to "wander around looking for a game". This is very unlikely that you will wander aimlessly in a sea of convention rooms bereft of any gaming opportunities. People are already talking about using WarHorn to fill those afternoons. graypark (above) points out that Event Submission is there for people to fill those afternoons. Plus, you are leaving out the lottery games as well (which you pretty much are very clear about not wanting to have anything to do with them). So that lottery will come up, and people will see options in the afternoons that they can go for (and maybe even get!). And if not, other options are going to be there. You just need to wait for the event schedule.

I really don't know what else anyone can do for you, what else we can say, how else we can explain and assure you that things will still be good and fun. Are you truly so convinced that you are being robbed of a good time this year, before you even SEE a schedule?

I'm sorry if this post seems harsh...I'm a bit exasperated on how you can take TWO THREADS to voice this perceived slight.


That's all you need right now. And have a little faith in Paizo. Do you really think they'd try to cheat their fans at their OWN convention? I personally know these people. They are GOOD people. And they love their fans. And they are running a damned good gaming convention that people love coming to, year after year. And every year, they make it better.

It will all be fine, dude.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
wac wrote:
Sara, you posted "The afternoon slot each day will be left open .... we will not be officially scheduling GMs for those slots."

Actually, Mike Brock posted that to the blog first. When he was speaking about the organized play offerings.

wac wrote:
(I would have been happy to take this out of the public realm so that some understanding of the issue might be reached, but there does not appear to be that option) or private messages are an option.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

I also have the email address specifically to address PaizoCon questions.

I am happy to take PFS events as 3rd party submissions for those events if people would like to include them on the schedule instead of using warhorn (just make sure to only select for those mid-afternoon slots on the PDF). Mike let me know that non-Paizo-run PFS games at PaizoCon can still submit tracking sheets and be entered under the same event number. For PFS games during these open spots, I am 100% ok if GMs want to wait until we have published the schedule before they decides if they want to submit a PFS game. PFS games are much easier for me to enter than "unique" events and are not lotteried so I don't mind waiting until later to add those.

I know of at least one other RPG company who is working with me to use that open time to schedule several tables of roleplaying, but I don't want to spill any of their surprises so that's all I can really say about that.

I can't make any promises or speak about our event schedule outside of PFS because it is still being written.

Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Superscriber

Cool, thanks, Sara. I predict that there are indeed some "extra" tables of PFS that end up getting submitted, and if it can all be part of the standard machinery for convention signups, that will make it convenient for people.

Shadow Lodge

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Actually, Mike Brock posted that to the blog first. When he was speaking about the organized play offerings.

Sara Marie reposted it without comment.

TriOmegaZero wrote: or private messages are an option.

That's a general email address and PM is not available for Sara Marie (I checked that very early on).

Sara Marie wrote:

Very poor searching on my part.



Sara Marie wrote:
I know of at least one other RPG company who is working with me...

Plans, even tentative ones, to replenish the RP seats in the middle slots is great.

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