Eye of Serenity

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Eye of Serenity:
"At this location: If you examine 1 or more cards, examine 1 more card."

How does this work with for example Seelah's "You may examine the top card of your location deck at the start ( or end) of your turn. If it’s a boon, put it on the bottom of the deck."?

Can Seelah move 2 boons this way?


Sovereign Court

I would say no, she could not move both boons. Eye of Serenity doesn't let the triggering power examine another card, it's the Eye's power that gives the examine. No power involving putting it on the bottom of the deck is connected to the extra examine.

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Personally, I would have Seelah examine the second card, but she can't move it no matter what it is.

I think Andrew is saying the same thing.

Sovereign Court

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
I think Andrew is saying the same thing.


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

What they said.

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