King of the Hill

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

4 people marked this as a favorite.

In light of the upcoming reputation changes, I'd like to propose that we select a centrally located tower in nobody's A ring, designate it The Hill, and kill each other there on a regular basis. The holder of The Hill should post their PVP window information in this thread after each day's excitement.

I nominate hex -12.6. Anyone have a better idea?

I think there are enough extra towers and neutral-ish zones that each major region could pick a tower hex to leave unclaimed for a little 24hr PvP "arena". You could think of it as a realm training grounds. Keep doing all of the other PvP stuff you want to do, but a little place where anyone could go and practice up would be nice.

Goblin Squad Member

I'll pay a weekly resource tribute of 1 hour's gathering output to whoever is the king of the hill at a set day that will change each week.

If others are interested in doing so, I'm willing to act as a collection point, and randomly select a day each week, and announce (or not announce it til it is over, as people prefer)

Goblin Squad Member

King Of The Hill scorekeeping begins Thursday, as of EE3 patch.

For anyone wanting a head start, PVP window in The Hill begins at 6PM Eastern today, and runs 7.5 hours or until claimed.

(-12.6 is the plains hex due west of the zombie kitten's head, in between New Daggermark, Deadman's Glen, Iron Gauntlet, and Hammerforge.)

Goblin Squad Member

If possible, you may want to set up multiple regional king of the hell designation points. As someone who's based primarily out of the south east, I at least, would prefer not to run that far.

Y'know, it occurs to me that a Hunger Games-style event could totally work in this game later on down the line.

Anyways, I will be there! Possibly. Probably not.

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