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Artwork & Crafting

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Scarab Sages

Very cool!

Almonihah wrote:
Mwenye, my caracal-based catfolk hedgewitch in his Enchanted Eelskin armor.

I'm going to have to show this to one of my friends, who in past games of mine has played 1. a mage who regularly took caracal form and 2. an undine. Seeing a desert wild cat underwater might hurt her head, though. ;)

Tim Emrick wrote:
Seeing a desert wild cat underwater might hurt her head, though. ;)

That *is* part of the fun. :D

Almonihah wrote:
Tim Emrick wrote:
Seeing a desert wild cat underwater might hurt her head, though. ;)
That *is* part of the fun. :D

I *do* rather enjoy hurting my players' heads at times. :D I wouldn't have ended my last campaign with an adventure full of monkey-people and demonic apes if one of my players wasn't such a huge fan of monkey tchotchkes of all types!

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A fun little picture of a slightly older Sverixalint!

Scarab Sages


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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Upwards-Falling Rain, my Tabaxi monk in a 5e Storm King’s Thunder campaign.

Shadow Lodge

Looks very vigilant.

Scarab Sages

Great work! Very thundercats.

Shadow Lodge

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Hoo-boy, lots of updates and new faces! Picking up where I left off...

This pic of my -2 Elsi has been around a while, I just never posted it.

An updated pic of my -5 Notkira, which I'm still not happy with.

My -9 archer Makoa finally gets art.

My -10 cleric Leuphira has been remade.

My -24 summoner Kurshwanz by himself, as Apodora is now big enough she really needs to stand alone on the art. And an alternate pic of her in Court Garb.

My -25 witch Wirni as her statue. Also a closeup of her soul-rescued doll familiar Nira riding her head and by herself.

My -26 bard Palakar has gotten some levels and her magic horn. And an alternate pic of what her mini should look like when I have it 3d printed.

My -27 wyrwood Ambix mostly uses a bow to send off his bombs now.

My -28 mermaid Aisling on land.

My -29 oozemorph Curaçao (aka Slosh) looking dapper.

Shadow Lodge

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Now the Starfinder sets.

My -701 Lyther finished her car and is giving some friends a ride.

My -703 Tailstrong almost has new art, but still needs a background.

My -704 Sunny has gotten the scale and abilities of her power armor fixed up. Or sometimes she keeps the gun to herself.

Ex-017 (Exit) is my friend's android operative. Here with the battle ribbon our GM briefly allowed, then with the gun & knife they used after.

Skadi is another of a friend's characters. Half-elf graffiti artist.

This Silhouette of Uthavia started as a lighting error, but with adjusting the camera and frame a bit, came out kinda nice.

And then my submittals to Wayfinder Magazine 19! Eladia Vasser, Sarai, and the Shredder weapon.

Shadow Lodge

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And finally, the big ticket. Some of the characters over the last few months were done mainly so they could be added to this picture. In fact I've known for years that I wanted to use this set for a pathfinder lodge, and then in February I decided that I would make it a lodge for all of my Seeker characters. This weekend just saw the admittance of Wirni and her familiar Nira, and the others are joining in welcoming them to The Seeker's Lodge.

Starting with the bottom left and going clockwise: -02 Elsi, -06 Rhialla, -04 Natalya, -01 Zavorokhina, -10 Leuphira, -25 Wirni & Nira, -07 Urshia, -12 Nugai, & -08 Luca. Center with his back towards us is -09 Makoa. And 'parked' outside the big window is the statue that Wirni possesses.

-03 died on her second game and was remade as -04. -05 remains awkwardly one game away from seeker. -11 and up are a mixed bag of gm blobs and level 7+ characters who play when they can.

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A fun picture of my (Spheres of Power) shifter Ktinos transforming.

Shadow Lodge

Seems like he's a bit unsure in the middle, but goes with it towards the end.

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One of the regulars in our FLGS's PFS community has played through the full Shattered Star AP in their home game and now wants to play through the Lissala-related PFS scenarios that tie into some of that same Thassilonian-style weirdness. The first of those is Portal of the Sacred Rune, which my wife and I had played a couple years back. She volunteered to run it, and I made her LEGO minis of some of the more unusual monsters and statues in the adventure. Here is the best of them: my rendering of the Sihedron-headed statue of Lissala that graces the cover.

Tim Emrick wrote:
One of the regulars in our FLGS's PFS community has played through the full Shattered Star AP in their home game and now wants to play through the PFS scenarios that feature Lissala's creepy cult. The first of those is Portal of the Sacred Rune, which my wife and I had played a couple years back. She volunteered to run it, and I made her LEGO minis of some of the more unusual monsters and statues in the adventure. Here is the best of them: my rendering of the Sihedron-headed statue of Lissala that graces the cover.

Silver Crusade


Shadow Lodge

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That'll do it! I'm trying to get that one scheduled around here so I can use a star on it and have that boss tangle with my Apodora (Liliend azata eidolon grappler)

Tim Emrick wrote:

I found some of the new characters over here

Oh wow I completely forgot i posted here. I feel bad for not responding to this for several months.

thistledown wrote:
Threeshades wrote:
Iwende, my 5e Protector Aasimar Druid with Lillend lineage.
Very nice, especially the continuation of color from tail to outfit. I wonder if an aasimar trait of 'lillend azata tail' would work in organized play. Though I'm hardly in a position to be making a 3rd tailed character.

Thanks! I agonized over the colors for quite a while. Tails instead of legs are the best. I don't know why i love them so much but I do.

Rysky wrote:
Threeshades wrote:
Iwende, my 5e Protector Aasimar Druid with Lillend lineage.
Oh she is absolutely lovely!

Thank you! <3

Belabras wrote:
Threeshades wrote:
Iwende, my 5e Protector Aasimar Druid with Lillend lineage.
Great piece!

Thanks! :)

Tim Emrick wrote:
Threeshades wrote:
Iwende, my 5e Protector Aasimar Druid with Lillend lineage.

I made a point of showing this one to my daughter, who is completely infatuated with snakes (she wants to be a herpetologist), D&D (she very recently started DMing her first campaign for some H.S. friends), and hybrid monsters of all kinds (which she draws constantly).

Her response: "Oooooh, pretty!" And she liked that the character was a non-white aasimar.

I'm really glad she liked it. <3

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I don't believe I posted this awesome picture of Sar'Tket as a winged serpent. :)

Silver Crusade


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Been doing some characters in different clothes drawings and thought I'd do Flavio, a PC I had in my hell's vengeance campaign. One of those characters your players make that you'd love to play yourself.

Flavio the Hellknight. Well, Hellknight 2 / Fighter 14.

Silver Crusade

Nice! The armor is cool.

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Rysky wrote:
Nice! The armor is cool.

Thanks :d

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I got an awesome picture of my raven character Brennus (in Tengu form) doing some flashy magic. :)

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A couple of recent pieces:

Sar'Tket as a Kaiju defending a city

Nephre, Sekhmet's Wrath, who I play here on the forums

Shadow Lodge

Nice! Would that city happen to be Roslar's Coffer? Because the big purple enemy looks rather familiar.

It's not any city or enemy in particular, I'm afraid.

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I recently posted the LEGO minis for my current stable of PFS characters to my blog.

Shadow Lodge

Ooh, I hadn't thought of replacing the head on my lancer's ostrich. Nifty.

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A reference sheet for Gikata, my mongrel of a kitsune who's a distant descendant of the kitsune I played in Reign of Winter, who's the character I'm playing in Dawn of Flame.

And idea of what Sverixalint, my dragon character I'm playing in Wrath of the Righteous, might look like after finishing the campaign.

Silver Crusade


I recently drew a new portrait of my mindblade magus, now that she can manifest two psychic weapons, as well as pictures of my newest PFS characters:

Cassilda Tillinghast, human mindblade magus
Falling Rock, Shoanti human ranger/fighter
Sister Darla, nosferatu-born dhampir warpriest of Pharasma
Sibyl Pierce, Ulfen human zen archer monk

Silver Crusade


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I've also recently made some LEGO minis of characters from an old Buffy/Angel RPG campaign that I played in years ago, and which the group has revived for a "10 years later" reunion arc. The GM and one other player (her occasional co-GM) have been tinkering around with HeroForge to design minis of many of the PCs and major NPCs, but LEGO is much more my idiom, so I've been doing that instead. I'll try to post pix of those later this week, once I get them posted somewhere public.

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One of my PCs in that Buffy/Angel game is preparing to forge a magical sword in preparation for a dangerous quest into the underworld. I have posted my design for her katana to my DeviantArt gallery. There's a brief explanation of the iconography there. I may expand on the story behind all this in a blog post after we finish playing out the forging process and the quest itself.

Scarab Sages

It's been too long since I checked in on this thread. So much cool art from everyone!

Shadow Lodge

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Oh my, have I gotten behind on here.

Pickfight and Anjaz were playtest characters that became real 2nd ed characters, but there's no new art for them.

But there's been a lot new sense then. Let's start with these. These are the pieces I did for Wayfinder #20.

Here's the asteroid miner from the cover. Easter-egg: the logo on the breastplate is PF's alchemical symbol for the Diaspora.

Here's what seems to be most popular. The Racer Pilot. Easter-egg: Strawberry Machine Cake nose-art on the bike.

My favorite: A Deadmen Squad raiding a ship.

Here is the Ryphorian Pirate Captain giving her briefing on the next attack. Retextureing the fantasy outfit to be sci-fi was fun.

And lastly, power armor that transforms into a car. I made a few of them to show both forms.

Vigilant Seal

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And now for actual characters.

While there was art of me with some of my spirits, here's some newer art of me in a place of spirits of a different sort.

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I got a 'cool' picture of Gikata, my Starfinder kitsune (with winter wolf blood) showing off some ice magic.

Shadow Lodge


Envoy's Alliance

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Hi, I'm Grynn. I'm a dwarven Champion of Pharasama. I smile when I slice the undead with my scythe.


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Moving on to Starfinder

Hi, I'm Benedrii the Kiirinta. I joined the society after they came to my planet. I'm here to give out drugs and try all the new things! (Biohacker with the Sensate theme)


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I am Askolak, servant of Zon-Kuthon! Explosive shrapnel once riddled me, and introduced me to his glorious pain! Now I pay that gift forward to any who ask for or deserve it! But if you're just chillin and don't want pain, I'll respect that and leave you to your dull existence.

He tries, but with a negative charisma and no points in it, he's the system's least intimidating Kuthite. At least he dresses the part, and is indeed good at spreading pain and damage to large groups with his Blast and Explode weapons.


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And the final new one for now.

(deadpan) Hello I'm Zythia Adhara and I greet you today for tomorrow Groetus may devour all things. While my touch brings rot to most anything, it is most effective at spreading gnomonia to strawberrys and cakes. I wear armor crafted from the cast-off remnants of the most destructive beasts known, fashioned in the designs of a vanished planet.

Zythis is a Driftborn Gnome Vanguard with the Death-Touched theme. She's a creepy little nihilist. Depending on level she wears either Kyokor Plating or Night Plate, so the armor is supposed to reflect either.

I once received a vision of myself in the distant past. I was satisfied, and amused that my footwear style was unchanged.

One time an assailant's armor-cam did get a very impressive picture of me before they died. But the armor-cam's tracking system makes it misleading - my eyes do not actually glow. (To make the picture, I totally made them glow)

Shadow Lodge

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I realized last night that I had exactly one gnome character in 1st Ed Pathfinder, 2nd Ed, and Starfinder. And that I already had models of each of them. So they might as well meet. Zythia is a bit confused by how she wound up thousands of years in the past, Kakapo wants to cast a spell on her that gives her feathers, and Optani is trying to mediate and resolve the situation.

Technical challenge was that each of them is a different model generation, so having them truly interact would be difficult. But this was close enough. And redraping Optatni's coat into other poses takes forever.

Scarab Sages

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I haven't posted in a dog's age, so here is my Solarian / Flamewalker Mystic

Silver Crusade

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I recently got art (with clothes!) of my Odessa. She’s a countess in the campaign I’ll be trying to do soon.

Shadow Lodge

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Very nice!

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