Shackled City using Golarion

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

i'm thinking of running the Shackled City after I finish my current AP. Where would be a good spot to locate it? I'm thinking the Worldwound or Cheliax.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm running it in Golarion now. Since the original was isolated in a big jungle I put it in the Kaava Lands in the Mwangi Expanse. I have a map of it on my campaign wiki at There's some other conversion stuff there which you might find useful, some of it by me, some of it adapted from messageboard postings here at Paizo.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks Zarzulan much appreciated. I totally forgot that the original was in a big jungle so the Mwangi Expense is a better spot imo.

Liberty's Edge

I wanted to ask Zarzulan if I could use the material in your link.

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