Out of Cycle releases from PCGen

Product Discussion

You can download this installable zip folder from:

http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcgen/files/PCGen%20Stable%20Datasets/6.04. 1%20OOC%20Data%20Sets/OOC_Pathfinder_Sources_Dec_2014.pcz/download

[Paizo] Pathfinder Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends

[Paizo] Animal Archive

[Paizo] Pathfinder RPG: Ultimate Campaign

Along with PFS support for them.

Download to your computer, open PCGen, use the install option, find the download file, install. Restart your PCGen program, load the new sets.

Edit, Andrew accidentally bundled the Ultimate Magic instead of the Ultimate Campaign

Here's the new link.

http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcgen/files/PCGen%20Stable%20Datasets/6.04. 1%20OOC%20Data%20Sets/Pathfinder_Dec_31_2014.pcz/download

I'm having an issue adding the Thunder and Fang feat.
The following is red:

all of ( at least 1 Two Weapon Fighting FEAT, at least 1 Weapon Focus ( Earth Breaker ) FEAT, at least 1 Weapon Focus ( Klar ) FEAT )

though I have all 3 of the listed feats.
Any suggestions?

What book is Thunder and Fang from?

What version of PCGen are you using?

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