The "What did you get for Christmas?" Thread!

Off-Topic Discussions

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Sovereign Court

David M Mallon wrote:
What did I get for Christmas? Drunk. I got drunk for Christmas.

That is what I really wanted.....

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watchmanx wrote:
its been really tight here since my wife passed away so i dident get anything this year...

I'm sorry for your loss.

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Pictured here!
Explanation of what is in that picture:
Death Star pillow that my mom crocheted for me.
Pathfinder Pawns Bestiary
Talisman the board game
Pathfinder Advanced Class Guide
Steel Dice (Pro caltrops, those suckers are SHARP!)
A M:TG play mat limited production (out of production) art by Ed Beard. It is signed by him. He is one of my favorite artist.

Honestly, one of my favorite gifts though was from my mom. She got me a Scottish claymore letter opener. That actually was a teaser for my actual gift. I have a crappy letter opener made of pewter that doesn't serve for a very good letter opener as pewter sorta bends under pressure. I also have an actual Scottish Claymore that is pretty awesome but I am fairly embarrassed about how poorly I have taken care of it. Her actual gift was was to meet this guy, to whom we are actually related and I have never met. He is going to fix my sword for me. ...and I also get to take a walk around his smithy. How. F*~#ing. Cool. Is. THAT?! I am seriously very excited about this!

Silver Crusade

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Understanding and acceptance from good friends.

Today was a wonderful day. :)

Grand Lodge

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I got my first nephew! He was a few days early, but that's what I'm gonna call my Christmas gift. :)

Got a new gaming PC :D

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Addendum: The sniffles, too.

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Just an example of poor gifting judgement

I got Supernatural Season 9, some cash, and a Cruise to the Carribbean next year. It was an excellent surprise.

The Blu-Ray player isn't compatible with my older television set, even with a converter for the cables. I mostly wanted it because it came with Netflix and other apps, much like a Roku. But I looked at a Roku and it's not compatible with my television, either.

Damn it.

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For Christmas, I received a Red Son Superman hoodie, a set of "Revolutionary Fingerpuppets" (Trotsky, Che, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi) and an offer from my hawt NY commie schoolteacher girlfriend to move to Brooklyn, become a kept man, and give her babies.

Best Xmas evah!

Liberty's Edge

My Christmas loot included:

A LEGO Ghostbusters Ectomobile with all four Ghostbusters as mini-figs.
Inner Sea Gods in hardcover
The Urban Tavern folding map from PAIZO
Clockwork Angels (the novel), by Kevin Anderson
A black t-shirt that reads RANDOM ENCOUNTER on the front
A black t-shirt with a list of all the Wizard's Rules from the Sword of Truth series
A wood-handled folding knife (4-5" blade)
Season One of Attack on Titan on Blu-ray

Definitely not disappointed this year!

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From my lovely niece and her boyfriend I got a Star Wars t-shirt
From my other lovely niece I got a pair of Star Wars coffee mugs
From my youngest lovely niece I got a THIRD Star Wars coffee mug and some tasty hot cocoa to go in it.
My Mom got me a box of cookies from my favorite bakery

I got a Build-a-Bear Fluttershy plushie for my grand-niece(!!!) Yeah I'm weirded out that I have one of those too!

And for my favorite redhead I got some window decorations for her room, a scrap book set and some outfits she had pointed out.

I got my older brother a copy of Avalon Hill's "Midway!" (boardgame re-enactment of the WWII Battle of Midway Is.) We used to play that when we were kids (late 60's early 70's) and it went missing quite a while ago so when I saw it I grabbed it.

All I wanted was a pair of slippers. Did not receive lol!


Steam games.

I got...

Netura wrote:
I got...

...a pair of...

Netura wrote:
Netura wrote:
I got...
...a pair of...


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