Perfect Preparation mythic adventures

Rules Questions

So my rules question:

The archmage path ability Perfect Preparation says a prepared arcane caster no longer needs his spell book to prepare spells.

Does this mean he now prepairs spells like a cleric? Knowing every wis/sor spell (in the case of wizards) and is just limited by his number of prepared spells per level?

What was the intention behind this ability? It leaves alot of guessing.

Id like a dev's perspective on this please. As i know we are all rules lawyers to a point but i need something official ish,

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The ability does what it says, no more, no less. You can prepare your spells without a Spellbook. You still have to learn spells to prepare them, you just don't need the book to do it. You don't suddenly learn all spells, because the ability doesn't say that you do.

I know I'm not a designer, but I will be incredibly surprised if that's not 100% correct.

Elias Darrowphayne wrote:

So my rules question:

The archmage path ability Perfect Preparation says a prepared arcane caster no longer needs his spell book to prepare spells.

Does this mean he now prepairs spells like a cleric? Knowing every wis/sor spell (in the case of wizards) and is just limited by his number of prepared spells per level?

No. You still need to learn the spells. You just don't need to refer to a spellbook when prepping them. It doesn't say anywhere that you get access to everything. The exact mechanics of this need to be handled by your GM.

I would require the Archmage to keep a list of spells known and treat it like a spellbook. The bonus being that he can never lose it. He will always have access, even when imprisoned.

EDIT: Ninja'd.

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