Limeylongears |
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All the no longer single goblins! (All the no longer single goblins!)
All the no longer single goblins! (All the no longer single goblins!)
I don't know, now that things have gotten serious, I think we have to pretend that Goblins do it in a refined and dignified way, in a secure non disclosed location.
Pretend - because the truth is too sanity-shattering to contemplate?
So far as I can tell, they take it to the basement , anyway.
Don Juan de Doodlebug |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

We do it anywhere we can find a willing participant. I will try to cover as many of these places starting tomorrow when La Principessa arrives and ending when she leaves in two weeks.
Spent the evening stealing from It's a Wonderful Life.
In the "More Unity of Opposites" category, La Principessa, hawt militant NY communist schoolteacher, really, really loves Christmas, while the 'Rades and I are more in the Bah, Humbug! camp. La Principessa made some snuffling noises over the phone about missing all the Hallmark crap (not her words) and then me and the 'Rades sprung into action.
Set up a bed and put up a (fake) tree in the spare room in the basement, Mrs. Comrade decorated the room with snowflakes cut out of wax paper, I dug out the Santa Claus on a string I made out of paper plates back in the third grade, wreaths, cheap plastic snowmen figurines, etc., etc. Decided that ornaments with pictures of me as a baby were probably over the top, but Mrs. Comrade thought it was a cute idea.
Anyway, point being, yeah, I turned my friends' basement into a winter wonderland of Christmastime erotica, and, if I can get an appropriate hat (not the kufi) I might be stealing from Bad Santa by the end of tomorrow night. (NSFW)
Next morning (Christmas Eve) we're going to the FairPoint picket lines!
Vive le Galt!
(See you guys in January!)

Don Juan de Doodlebug |