Issue with Alchemy Manual

Customer Service

Dark Archive


I recently purchased a copy of the alchemy manual from my LGS and I have found some issues with the cover. When I took the price sticker off of it the sticker took the cover's ink with it, resulting in a blank white patch. I shrugged and figured it was an issue with the sticker, but after I got it home I noticed that any amount of pressure on the cover causes the ink to come off.

I understand it's a minor concern, but if you wouldn't mind sending a replacement with my next Adventure Path shipment I would greatly appreciate it.

I am also wondering if this is an issue that has been mentioned before, or if it seems to be an isolated case.


Customer Service Ray of Funshine

I have sent you an email.

Dark Archive

Thank you very much for the e-mail. I am always impressed with Paizo's customer service.

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